EF closed this week

Just wanted to make it public that EF is closed this week. Information can be found on the http://www.enticingflavors.com/ website.
BiggestBest's Avatar
Brook shows leadership and ownership. Gotta respect that.
SFviii's Avatar
I thought Brook has been protective of her girls and very private of the inner world that is EF. Surprising, this latest post of hers on the EF website is blunt and to the point...shape up or ship out . A matter of survival when you read between the lines.

Next Chapter?
I like Brook, I've enjoyed the brief conversations that I've had with her and I think she has a good head on her shoulders. But, in business you never show weaknesses.
I like Brook, I've enjoyed the brief conversations that I've had with her and I think she has a good head on her shoulders. But, in business you never show weaknesses. Originally Posted by MsElena
I too, like Brook . . . however, I may have taken a different approach . . . as Dennis always quoted (verbatim) "What's the matter with you? I think your brain is going soft with all that comedy you are playing with that young girl. Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again. Go on." - The Godfather, 1972

However, as I pointed out to Dennis many times, releasing disinformation is occasionally the best information as it leads to the misinformation effect upon memory (don't read in, I'm just making a general observation). See this explanation of misinformation.

I agree with Elena, and I also agree with SF8 - and I too await the "Next Chapter?"

Something tells me that no matter what, it will be interesting . . .


- Jackie