Ugly on the outside clean on the inside!

Incall locations. Do you care where you see your atf’s as long as it’s safe and clean inside? Should there be a discount for having a n Incall in a ghettto fabulous area?!
Lol, I'm not risking getting my car stolen; I don't care how great the provider is.
Lol. I have had very upscale incalls for the most part, and one (ugly on the outside), but clean on the inside place. It didn’t seem to bother my repeat friends, but it bothered me. Recently, I’ve downsized to be able to move back to Austin and accomplish my long term goals. The place is clean and in a really hip part of 78704, but some of the immediate surroundings are a bit sketchy. I usually always keep a separate incall, but at first I won’t be able to.

So... how should I remedy this situation? Have lower offerings for outcalls? Split the difference of a hotel or look for a permanent incall to share? Offer a big discount due to the sketchy neighbors? This has been bothering me! We get together to see each other, not our places but I still feel a responsibility to be a great hostess. I highly doubt anyone’s car would be stolen as it is a low crime area. It’s just ugly on the outside.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Had you accepted my management offer you wouldn't have this problem.
Nikki, I didn't know there were any sketchy places in the 78704 zip code. I lived in that zip code for 13 years. That's a good area code to live in!!

I think if your place is clean and tidy - you'll do fine.
A dirty in call is the worst and leaves a very bad impression. Not to mention it's a health hazard.
The outside being ugly is subjective. I wouldn't worry about that since it's in a low crime area.
Had you accepted my management offer you wouldn't have this problem. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
😂 no amps for me, Bud. Sorry. I’d be a nervous wreck just going near one of those places.
knotty man's Avatar
Big discount for sketchy area.
Hell. Im down.
With my hobby car. If they can get it started they can have it.
Is it the poosey wagon?
knotty man's Avatar
Picture Joe Dirt.
If he was messican
Tan Khan's Avatar
A clean an tidy interior is much more important than the outside, if you have to pick one. It could be a problem if you provide at night. I avoid sketchy places at night, during the day, I don't care so much.

Not many girls have a good grasp on marketing incentives. Discounted rates may be a good way to compensate for the incall situation. Another would be to offer an additional 15 minutes, or so, of time. Not many guys will split the cost of a hotel room, it gets complicated, maybe in an multi hour session.

Good luck in your new place!
Thanks! I’ll have a nice incall in no time, I’m sure.
Nikki, you show your business sense and overall sensitivity by even asking the question and suggesting answers. That said, since there's only one truly sketchy area left in the 04 after the last ten years of upheaval and upgrades, some of us have a much better idea where you are, within a dozen blocks or so. :-)
All i care is that she clean, legit and down to fuck. I have seen coeds and their rooms are a little messy, somehow it turns me on. Seen one provider in a half broken down trailer house. Fuck it. Don't think there should be a discount as long as you are clean, legit and down to fuck .
I remember going off william cannon near first st. There was a girl who holly of austin introduced, she gave good bbbj, but her place was dirty dusty I did not go back. She seemed a little digny too.
Dev Null's Avatar
I remember going off william cannon near first st. There was a girl who holly of austin introduced, she gave good bbbj, but her place was dirty dusty I did not go back. She seemed a little digny too. Originally Posted by GeorgeAus
Wasn't her name Trinity? I saw her several times, but she didn't last long. Her enthusiasm dropped off towards the end.