Christmas Cards

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 12-20-2010, 09:07 PM
Has email and Face Book replaced Christmas Cards for you, or does the time and effort to send family and people you care about warrant the time and effort to send a note on a card and a picture still mean something special at this time of year?
discreetgent's Avatar
Never sent them out myself, don't see any need to start now
Yep, I sent out my cards today. I will admit over the years the list has gotten shorter. I used to buy a box of cards and a few individual cards. This year I bought everybody individual cards. I tell you what though, my penmanship has gotten sloppy and I was unable to find the spellcheck on that card.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im with Ansley, i used to but the list has gotten way short for the very close and family only . I send ecards from a specialty site for the rest.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't play well with others...hence no Christmas list lol.
I take the time to hand-write letters to people who matter to me.

The handwritten letter is a lost art form.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I still send cards. I write short notes in some of them, but I must agree: @ Laurentius The handwritten letter is a lost art form. My ability to construct a sentence without the aid of computer has deteriorated.
Gryphon's Avatar
I still send Christmas cards to a fairly long list of old friends and extended family, with notes in each. Since I'm a social networking Neanderthal (don't Twitter, don't have a Facebook account, rarely email for anything other than business or hobbying) this is my 1980's way of keeping in some form of touch with people who were once an important part of my life but aren't any more.
X-Mas cards are a nice gesture that I still honor. I still receive them from my sister and she is in her teens. So, to answer your questions, cards are always appreciated and still sent by many!
I LOVE receiving cards from my extended fam and friends, but I have yet to send them myself. (Hey, I'm only 20 :-)
I use a service that offers a number of small gift items. The choice is limited but each comes with a custom greeting card. Very nice. I simply send a list of names, addresses, card content, and the gift selection for everyone on the list and the service does the rest.

So, yes, I send holiday greetings.
John Bull's Avatar
Used to send out several hundred cards. Now it's somewhat less as we pare our list. In any case, I don't do FB, Twitter any other so-called Social Network. In fact, except on date day, and then under protest, I don't even text.

Have you ever noticed that most texts come in while you're driving and completely unable to read them; much less answer them.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 12-23-2010, 07:09 PM
I hate texting but it is becoming a fact of life.
I hate texting but it is becoming a fact of life. Originally Posted by oden
I almost feel apologetic when I tell them that they have been texting a land line.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 12-24-2010, 01:39 AM
I send them out every year... I spent too much time looking for the perfect Korean cards to send out last year. Being in Hawaii this season, I am still on the lookout for the "perfect" cards. My family knows to expect them late. *giggle*