Is legit?

Mr.Pants's Avatar
never used it. Is it legit?
Bushjumper's Avatar
IDK, maybe we should ask Ms. Daniels. Odd, memory fails as to her first name and she was much in the news just a few years ago.
Bushjumper's Avatar
Stormy! That was her name, Stormy Daniels.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
never seen this site before.
Never heard of it. Wouldn't trust it.
anonsull's Avatar
Legit as in owned by one of the girls listed? yes legit as in the girl you ordered will show up? depends, she might get another booking that pays more, she might be sore from a previous booking or she might be under the influence and gets ejected from the ride share she used to get to your hotel. The premium you pay for those girls doesn't translate into better service. customers of that site don't leave reviews.