Stripper Slide Question for the Ladies

I know some ladies don't offer stripper slide for various reasons. For those who do offer/enjoy it, and at the risk of sounding like a naive teenager with no knowledge of sex, I have a question. lol For me, stripper slide feels great in almost any position because of the skin to skin contact/friction. But it seems like for the ladies, it doesn't really do much for them unless the guy is on top and there is direct pressure with the clit. I've been told that when the lady is on top and there is only contact with the labia, it doesn't really do much for them. Do you find this to be the case? In what position(s) do you like to do stripper slide and how does it feel to you? What is being stimulated and how are you being stimulated? Can you orgasm from it and how do you like it done to you or how do you like to do it?
OK, I'll bite (a little) SS doesn't get discussed too much here, as it is considered "unsafe" by many.
I do it with SELECT clients. How do I do it? VERY carefully, One false move by either party can quickly turn into BBFS. Generally, I like to be on top in CG or RCG position, as I feel that I have more control. Do I have an orgasm...YES and very quickly, almost always makes me squirt. I have also found some awesome cock rings that vibrate and are shaped to stimulate both parties. I use them specifically for this.
OK, I'll bite (a little) SS doesn't get discussed too much here, as it is considered "unsafe" by many.
I do it with SELECT clients. How do I do it? VERY carefully, One false move by either party can quickly turn into BBFS. Generally, I like to be on top in CG or RCG position, as I feel that I have more control. Do I have an orgasm...YES and very quickly, almost always makes me squirt. I have also found some awesome cock rings that vibrate and are shaped to stimulate both parties. I use them specifically for this. Originally Posted by alaine
What she said!!
I love stripper slides, feels great to me.
Generally, I like to be on top in CG or RCG position, as I feel that I have more control. Do I have an orgasm...YES and very quickly, almost always makes me squirt. I have also found some awesome cock rings that vibrate and are shaped to stimulate both parties. I use them specifically for this. Originally Posted by alaine
Thanks for the response, Alaine. That's a good idea about the cock ring!

Maybe I should have been more specific about my question. I'm not attempting to find out who actually offers it, just how it feels to the ladies. This is a general sex question, not a hobby related question. Maybe I'll get more responses if I set it up as a hypothetical. Assume you are doing stripper slide with a SO (or maybe discuss when you used to do it with an old BF from years ago), where there isn't a fear of BB or any other type of safety issues. So assuming the hypothetical, in what position(s) do you like to do stripper slide, how does it feel, etc.?