Anti-Greta: Far-right groups trying to turn teenager into climate change-denying version of Greta Thunberg

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
note the use of "Far-right" in the title? do they say "far-left" when little GretaTard speaks. not they do not!

Anti-Greta: Far-right groups trying to turn teenager into climate change-denying version of Greta Thunberg

A 19-year-old German climate change sceptic who has been described by her supporters as “the antidote to Greta Thunberg”, is gaining support from right-wing organisations, including Germany’s far-right party AfD party, and a think tank with links to The White House.

don't even bother YssupHoe .. 19 years old! RTM away! do yous no good!

Naomi Seibt began uploading videos to YouTube last year, with titles such as “Climate change – just hot air?”, “Fierce without Feminism”, and “Message to the Media – HOW DARE YOU?”.

Her stance on the climate apparently caught the attention of The Heartland Institute, a US think tank based in Chicago, which has previously lobbied on behalf of tobacco firms, supports fracking and rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.

The organisation, which reportedly “has the ear of the Trump administration”, and held its 2019 International Conference on Climate Change at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, recently hired Ms Seibt as the face of its climate denial campaign.

In a video put out by the Heartland Institute, titled “Naomi Seibt vs Greta Thunberg: Whom Should We Trust?”, Ms Seibt begins: “Science is entirely based on intellectual humility and it is important that we keep questioning the narrative that it out there instead of promoting it, and these days climate change science really isn’t science at all.”

In between cuts from footage of Thunberg’s 2019 address to the UN in New York, Ms Seibt says: “Climate change alarmism at its very core is a despicably anti-human ideology”.

In an interview in the video, Ms Seibt says she rejects being called a “climate denier”, because she says “especially as a German, it is so rude to refer to someone as a climate denier because obviously there is a connection to the term ‘holocaust denier’, which carries a lot of weight in Germany.”

In the blurb on its video, the institute decries Thunberg’s “doomsday climate predictions” and describes Ms Seibt as “a rising star”, who “advocates for proper scientific discourse over climate change.”

The Heartland Institute’s support and promotion of Seibt has set alarm bells ringing.

While Ms Thunberg has become a global phenomenon, winning support from concerned people across the world, and becoming Time magazine’s person of the year, those remaining groups and individuals threatened by the weight of climate science appear to believe Ms Seibt is some sort of opposition figure who can inspire people through similar means.

“She’s a fantastic voice for free markets and for climate realism,” James Taylor, director of the Arthur B Robinson Centre for Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, told The Washington Post.

But while The Heartland Institute is “one of the most notorious climate change denial groups in the United States” – according to environment website DeSmog UK, Ms Seibt has not made a case for outright denial of the climate crisis.

In a video published this month, Ms Seibt instead argues the scientists have overstated the impact of emissions on the planet’s climate, and she also asks if researchers have considered the “immense impact that the sun has on the climate in comparison to CO2 emissions.”

After reinterpreting the scientific data for a live audience to indicate CO2 emissions are not much to worry about, she then adds: “We must not make ourselves the victim of a tight tax corset”, adding, “we must not deny ourselves, or the people from awfully poor third world countries access to cheap and reliable energy.”

Her videos are accumulating tens of thousands of views, and together with reams of positive comments below, it is clear Ms Seibt is striking a chord with many.

The overall message – one which is being facilitated by a right-wing think tank – is that business as usual is fine. She also aims to undermine existing efforts to combat climate change by suggesting activists deserve pity rather than anger.

“Rage and panic belong to our opponents,” she says.

In an earlier jibe at Ms Thunberg, Ms Seibt says: “Do not create an ideology out of something that a young girl has to say. Regardless of the political side she’s on.”

But while Ms Thunberg is merely hammering home the science – that 97 per cent of peer-reviewed climate studies agree with the scientific consensus that manmade global warming is real – Ms Seibt appears to have more interest in ideology.

Alongside her interest in climate denial, she has voiced concerns about immigration and feminism, and has previously spoken at events run by Germany’s far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany) party. She has denied being a member of the far-right group, but previous reports suggest she is or has been a member of the party’s youth wing.

Ms Seibt’s mother is a lawyer who has reportedly represented politicians from the AfD in the past.note the use of "Far-right" in the title? do they say "far-left" when little GretaTard speaks. not they do not!

Anti-Greta: Far-right groups trying to turn teenager into climate change-denying version of Greta Thunberg

A 19-year-old German climate change sceptic who has been described by her supporters as “the antidote to Greta Thunberg”, is gaining support from right-wing organisations, including Germany’s far-right party AfD party, and a think tank with links to The White House.

Naomi Seibt began uploading videos to YouTube last year, with titles such as “Climate change – just hot air?”, “Fierce without Feminism”, and “Message to the Media – HOW DARE YOU?”.

Her stance on the climate apparently caught the attention of The Heartland Institute, a US think tank based in Chicago, which has previously lobbied on behalf of tobacco firms, supports fracking and rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.

The organisation, which reportedly “has the ear of the Trump administration”, and held its 2019 International Conference on Climate Change at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, recently hired Ms Seibt as the face of its climate denial campaign.

In a video put out by the Heartland Institute, titled “Naomi Seibt vs Greta Thunberg: Whom Should We Trust?”, Ms Seibt begins: “Science is entirely based on intellectual humility and it is important that we keep questioning the narrative that it out there instead of promoting it, and these days climate change science really isn’t science at all.”

In between cuts from footage of Thunberg’s 2019 address to the UN in New York, Ms Seibt says: “Climate change alarmism at its very core is a despicably anti-human ideology”.

In an interview in the video, Ms Seibt says she rejects being called a “climate denier”, because she says “especially as a German, it is so rude to refer to someone as a climate denier because obviously there is a connection to the term ‘holocaust denier’, which carries a lot of weight in Germany.”

In the blurb on its video, the institute decries Thunberg’s “doomsday climate predictions” and describes Ms Seibt as “a rising star”, who “advocates for proper scientific discourse over climate change.”

The Heartland Institute’s support and promotion of Seibt has set alarm bells ringing.

While Ms Thunberg has become a global phenomenon, winning support from concerned people across the world, and becoming Time magazine’s person of the year, those remaining groups and individuals threatened by the weight of climate science appear to believe Ms Seibt is some sort of opposition figure who can inspire people through similar means.

“She’s a fantastic voice for free markets and for climate realism,” James Taylor, director of the Arthur B Robinson Centre for Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, told The Washington Post.

But while The Heartland Institute is “one of the most notorious climate change denial groups in the United States” – according to environment website DeSmog UK, Ms Seibt has not made a case for outright denial of the climate crisis.

In a video published this month, Ms Seibt instead argues the scientists have overstated the impact of emissions on the planet’s climate, and she also asks if researchers have considered the “immense impact that the sun has on the climate in comparison to CO2 emissions.”

After reinterpreting the scientific data for a live audience to indicate CO2 emissions are not much to worry about, she then adds: “We must not make ourselves the victim of a tight tax corset”, adding, “we must not deny ourselves, or the people from awfully poor third world countries access to cheap and reliable energy.”

Her videos are accumulating tens of thousands of views, and together with reams of positive comments below, it is clear Ms Seibt is striking a chord with many.

The overall message – one which is being facilitated by a right-wing think tank – is that business as usual is fine. She also aims to undermine existing efforts to combat climate change by suggesting activists deserve pity rather than anger.

“Rage and panic belong to our opponents,” she says.

In an earlier jibe at Ms Thunberg, Ms Seibt says: “Do not create an ideology out of something that a young girl has to say. Regardless of the political side she’s on.”

But while Ms Thunberg is merely hammering home the science – that 97 per cent of peer-reviewed climate studies agree with the scientific consensus that manmade global warming is real – Ms Seibt appears to have more interest in ideology.

Alongside her interest in climate denial, she has voiced concerns about immigration and feminism, and has previously spoken at events run by Germany’s far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany) party. She has denied being a member of the far-right group, but previous reports suggest she is or has been a member of the party’s youth wing.

Ms Seibt’s mother is a lawyer who has reportedly represented politicians from the AfD in the past.

GretaTard ..

Naomi Seibt

one's a RETARD .. one's a BABE. who ya gonna believe? the RETARD or the BABE?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
waco, you double posted within your post.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Naomi Seibt

one's a RETARD .. one's a BABE. who ya gonna believe? the RETARD or the BABE?

BAHHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I'd tap Naomi over Greta.

Naomi is a saucy kraut-aryan !
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny how common sense becomes """Far right""" thinking oh the idiocy
  • oeb11
  • 02-27-2020, 07:50 AM
fascist DPST lemmings running off the cliff. !!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Forbidden topics. Forbidden discussions. Check your PMS, Pedsy!

Reported yous, Pedsy.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Forbidden topics. Forbidden discussions. Check your PMS, Pedsy!

Reported yous, Pedsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

'cause i felt like it.

19 is an adult by most standards

yet I do recognize studies indicate the brain isn't fully developed until around 25 or so

greta is just being abused due to her age and condition
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
waco, you double posted within your post. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

so ban me!


Funny how common sense becomes """Far right""" thinking oh the idiocy Originally Posted by rexdutchman

try using "far left" in the news media and watch the howler monkeys howl. as i've said before .. the term "far right" didn't even exist until recently.

19 is an adult by most standards

yet I do recognize studies indicate the brain isn't fully developed until around 25 or so

greta is just being abused due to her age and condition Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

her parents have brain washed what little brains she has. watch any speech she gives .. nothing more that a pouting little tard yelling "HOW DARE YOU!"

Gretatard wouldn't know a science book if it hit her in the face. and that's too bad isn't it? i mean what with Sweden having such good schools ..

MT Pockets's Avatar
This may be the dumbest post yet from wacko. It literally discredits her and admits they are trying to use her as a pawn.
An ideology is a belief that looks for evidence to support it. A scientific theory is just the opposite; a belief that is formed as a result of looking at evidence.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Where are the hanging corpses, pedsy?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This may be the dumbest post yet from wacko. It literally discredits her and admits they are trying to use her as a pawn. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

they are. her parents are radical activists. there is a reason they picked this retard as their "poster girl" .. so when anyone criticizes her complete lack of any basic knowledge about science the leftist press cry fowl because she's a retard. oh you can't criticize Greta for not knowing any science because she's a retard!

remember sparky pockets .. this is someone who should be in high school .. by her age at least, who knows when that little tard actually attended school rather than standing around holding some stupid sign? or making stupid speeches?

i bet you 50 bucks if you asked her "should we eliminate all C02 in the atmosphere?" she'd say yes! do you know what that would actually do? oh nothing much ... just kill all air breathing life on the planet. and plant life. the planet would be lifeless if that happened.

while you gripe about "dumb trump supporters" .. the next time there is some climate change rally in Dallas you meet me there and bring your life savings with you. every time i ask some climate tard that question about eliminating C02 you give me 50 bucks every time some climate crusading idiot answers "YES!". you'll be broke in an hour flat.
MT Pockets's Avatar
they are. her parents are radical activists. there is a reason they picked this retard as their "poster girl" .. so when anyone criticizes her complete lack of any basic knowledge about science the leftist press cry fowl because she's a retard. oh you can't criticize Greta for not knowing any science because she's a retard!

remember sparky pockets .. this is someone who should be in high school .. by her age at least, who knows when that little tard actually attended school rather than standing around holding some stupid sign? or making stupid speeches?

i bet you 50 bucks if you asked her "should we eliminate all C02 in the atmosphere?" she'd say yes! do you know what that would actually do? oh nothing much ... just kill all air breathing life on the planet. and plant life. the planet would be lifeless if that happened.

while you gripe about "dumb trump supporters" .. the next time there is some climate change rally in Dallas you meet me there and bring your life savings with you. every time i ask some climate tard that question about eliminating C02 you give me 50 bucks every time some climate crusading idiot answers "YES!". you'll be broke in an hour flat. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
None of your rant pertains to what I said. Plus if you think it is normal to still be in High School at 19 then I now know why you are so dense. Neither one of them are retarded by the way.

I just may take you up on the climate change offer. But are going to give me $50 every time they correct you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
None of your rant pertains to what I said. Plus if you think it is normal to still be in High School at 19 then I now know why you are so dense. Neither one of them are retarded by the way.

I just may take you up on the climate change offer. But are going to give me $50 every time they correct you? Originally Posted by MT Pockets

i was posting about GretaTard. if i was unconcerned about your comments it's because i'm unconcerned with your comments.

butt you should know that by now. right?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the leftanistas have begun their attack ... like clockwork. means they are worried

'Anti-Greta' Activist Naomi Seibt Praises White Nationalist At CPAC

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — Naomi Seibt, the 19-year-old German climate science denier being marketed as the right’s answer to activist Greta Thunberg, praised a white nationalist while speaking on a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday.

During a question-and-answer session at the end of the panel entitled “Energy, Costs and Defeating the Climate Delusion,” a Business Insider reporter asked Seibt if she is still a fan of white nationalist Stefan Molyneux, a Canadian vlogger.

“I am still a fan, absolutely,” Seibt responded.

Just an hour earlier, The Guardian had published an article unearthing Seibt’s past praise for Molyneux, whom she called one of her “inspirations.”

Molyneux has for years peddled racist “white genocide” conspiracy theories in videos posted to YouTube. At the CPAC panel Friday, Seibt was asked specifically about 2018 comments Molyneux made in which he explicitly praised white nationalism, claiming Poland was “peaceful, free, easy, civilized and safe” because it is “essentially an all-white country.”

Seibt claimed these comments by Molyneux only sound racist when “taken out of context.”

“He’s not comparing other races, not at all,” Seibt said of Molyneux. “He is just describing his experience in Western countries and I know that to the extent, for example, if I was in a country where Sharia was present, I know that I would not be able to speak as freely as in Western countries. … It’s not that we are better in any way in Western countries. We still have freedom of speech and I’m very happy that’s the case.”

The Heartland Institute, a right-wing organization with a long history of peddling industry misinformation, recently hired Seibt in its effort to discredit near-universally accepted climate science. In a press release, the group said she would “work on communicating the climate realism message to her generation — which has marinated in apocalyptic nonsense their whole lives.” That effort got a boost Feb. 24 when The Washington Post ran a front-page story profiling Seibt, calling her the “anti-Greta.” The newspaper drew fire for raising her platform and Heartland’s anti-science message.

Seibt insists she is not a “climate denier,” but rather a “climate realist.” But in an interview with Fox News on Thursday, she parroted denialist talking points, falsely claiming that “CO2 emissions are not actually harmful to the planet” and that humans “might contribute slightly” to current warming, but that “it is so insignificant that we shouldn’t focus on that.”

Heartland has since produced videos questioning the legitimacy of Thunberg’s activism, as seen below.

Seibt’s rising star has brought her other comments about race and religion under scrutiny. Her praise for Molyneux, however, is particularly notable. Molyneux is a bigot with ties to a who’s-who of neo-Nazis and white supremacists, including Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor.

He once argued that Black people are “collectively less intelligent.”

Molyneux also once stated in a YouTube video that has since been removed that “you cannot run a high IQ [white] society with low IQ [non-white] people … these [non-white] immigrants are going to fail ... and they’re not just going to fail a little, they are going to fail hard … they’re not staying on welfare because they’re lazy ... they’re doing what is economically the best option for them ... you are importing a gene set that is incompatible with success in a free-market economy.”

notice the HuffyPoo making implications that Molyneux didn't actually say?


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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.