Just announced..

B.Wayne's Avatar
The Senate did NOT pass the gun restriction laws.
AMERICA! Fuck yeah!
Wow... seriously? You are in favor of allowing criminals and crazy people access to guns? What drugs are you taking?
Boltfan's Avatar
Take it to the national sandbox. Politics are allowed there.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Nope, I am however in favor of keeping guns in the hands of law abidding citizens.

That is all. You're welcome.
My opinion is that no one needs a permit to get a gun they just need resources to do so but at least the good citizens can legally protect ourselves just in case a criminal decides he wants to try and shoot us...that is just my opinion..
I dont own a gun, not my thing, but I do have a new dog, her name is Maybelle, and she is all the protection I need. To each their own, if you want a gun, fine go buy the biggest most powerful gun you can find. You have to register about everything else in this world you buy, like a car, new appliance whatever. You buy something and their is a record of it. By passing a law that requires a background check and registration you are not preventing anyone from the right to own a gun. But you are making the purchase of a gun have a registration.
B.Wayne's Avatar
They already have laws in place that require a background check. Part of the background check is filling out paperwork that has the make, model, serial number, and description of the gun on it to which the F.B.I. is called to see if a person passes or not. The only way the current system doesn't work is when the gun store owners don't do what they are supposed to do and call to check on someone. I have seen with my own eyes on two seperate occasions where a person did not pass the check when the gun store employee called the Feds to be sure the customer could legaly be sold the gun. In both cases, those people did not get to walk out with a gun.

I don't have guns either. But everybody I know has one. And they are good people who need to be able to protect their families if they need to, or if they just want to go plunking and target preactice to pass the time, they can do that too.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Nope, I am however in favor of keeping guns in the hands of law abidding citizens.

That is all. You're welcome. Originally Posted by B.Wayne
Then I guess you have no clue what the bill was about. It was about keeping guns out of the hands of nut jobs. It had nothing to do with law abiding citizens.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
They already have laws in place that require a background check. ... Originally Posted by B.Wayne
The current laws cover 60% of gun sales. 40% of gun sales are not covered by any background check. That's about as effective as damming 60% of a river. 0% effectiveness.

We need enforcement of current laws on background checks and we needed that bill to plug the 40% loophole. What is so hard to understand about that? Why would anyone who can pass a background check object to that?
bojulay's Avatar
They pissed in their own whisky.

Instead of concentrating on a sensible background check law,
they brought up all of that other crap about clips and assault weapons,
which brought the whole thing down.

I think eventually a better background check law will be brought into
effect, that is if they can separate it from the wack gun grabbers.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Then I guess you have no clue what the bill was about. It was about keeping guns out of the hands of nut jobs. It had nothing to do with law abiding citizens. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Yes, one must read the entire bill. And I mean all of it.
The extended background check would have allowed access to medical records
to help determine if one would qualify due to mental illness. It may have prevented some "nut jobs" from legally purchasing a firearm.

The rest of the bill went on to limit certain clips or magazines. Kind of like putting five cookies individually wrapped so kids won't eat so many at a time. Instead of a 25 round clip, a guy can simply carry three 10 round clips.

Evil people will find evil ways to carry out their agendas. We can't ban every item sick people use to destroy human lives. If that were to happen, recent events would place pressure cookers, ball bearings, nails, and bb's on the list. Maybe we can get congress to all take off the panties, show some balls, and enforce the laws already in place to deter crimes of this nature.
Wow... seriously? You are in favor of allowing criminals and crazy people access to guns? What drugs are you taking? Originally Posted by jack_hill
All kinds of criminals have guns. Especially the ones who are in the streets.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Thank you bojulay. I believe you answered in the same fashion I was going to in regards to lust4xxx comments. I have read the entire proposal and I dont have a problem with the medical aspect. But they tacked on everything else along with it. A criminal will get high capacity mags the same as he will get a gun he/she is not supposed to have...(are you ready for this?)....illegaly.

And as for the 'crazy' people or mentally unstable or whatever you want to call them. I don't want to illinform anyone but there are A LOT of people that take medications for all sorts of issues. both mental and physical. I suspect that even taking anti depresants would disqualify someone from owning a gun. I don't take meds for anything other than multi vitamin. You would be surprised how many, and what kind of people take those medications that would have taken their right to own guns away. Even people in the medical community take some of them. and they are yet qualified to check on your health and such. Go figure huh?
Wheretonow's Avatar
Another example of "feel-good" legislation that was rightfully rejected. VP Biden himself said that there are not adequate resources to enforce the current background check laws. In this article (http://www.publicintegrity.org/2011/...firearms-sales) are these facts:
"Lying about one’s criminal history or background on the form to purchase guns is fairly common – and a federal offense – but hardly anyone is ever prosecuted. Among the 67,000 people who failed background checks conducted directly by the FBI in 2009, fewer than 70 ever faced criminal charges, a Justice Department-funded study published in April found. Justice officials cited a lack of resources."
Criminals and the mentally impaired should not be allowed to purchase guns. Maybe Congress will someday address the real issue by creating a database and providing adequate resources to prevent them from doing so. This legislation wasn't it.
The real purpose of the second amendment is not so we can protect ourselves from John Q Public, but to protect us from government.

The founders understood so well that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore the people will always need the biggest baddest guns no matter how many rounds they hold or how many lives they can take. We have to watch the watchmen.