Public Opinion?

  • MrGiz
  • 11-15-2010, 06:19 AM
From the non participating public.... who do you think has the "lower " reputation?

- a nasty, dirty whore/prostitute?
- or a lowlife-immoral scumbag John who throws away his family's hard earned money on same?

Can any perceived double-standards be defended?

Whatayathink ?

SouthernBorn's Avatar
Damn Giz!

How about the lowlife politicians, the corporate fatcats, the Bernie Madoffs of the world, the TV preachers, the "holier-than-thou" soccer moms?

As part of the "participating" public, I would much rather spend an afternoon with one of you guys than a week with any of them.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-15-2010, 09:30 AM
Damn Giz!

How about the lowlife politicians, the corporate fatcats, the Bernie Madoffs of the world, the TV preachers, the "holier-than-thou" soccer moms?

As part of the "participating" public, I would much rather spend an afternoon with one of you guys than a week with any of them. Originally Posted by SouthernBorn
Oh Yeah.... absolutely, I agree!!!
But I had a reason for posing the question as put. I'll wait to see other replies...

Good to see ya back , SB..... are ya gonna get your little race car avatar back?

SouthernBorn's Avatar
The Race Car will be back if I can figure out where I got it from. It is hard to come up with a better tag line than, "Bend over babe, I'll drive."

As far as your question goes, I think that the answer varies depending upon the guy's financial situation. If he is spending $$$ on the ladies and the family is going hungry, then he is the more condemned (and rightlfully so).

But, if he is financially secure and the session cost is no more significant to him that he regularly spends on something like a round of golf, then I believe the "holier than thou's" will condemn the girl.

But, as previously stated, I am biased on the topic. I happen to think that it is a wonderful arrangement, when properly done!

Good to see you again, old friend.

mssassy's Avatar
Ok Giz I am wading on this though I fear for my neck on this lol Honestly neither one. I will give you that if a man choses to pay for a girl rather then to feed his kids and take care of finacial responsiblities he is a "scumbag" but there are far worse out there then a scumbag man who would rather pay a "girl then take care of his family and far worse then a "prostitute"
uca479's Avatar
Hobby aside, from a fundamental perspective if one allows discretionary spending (this hobby, attending a razorback game, going to the casino) to come before their basic family needs or livelyhood, there is a problem, regardless of which side of the fence you sit on.

Otherwise, one wouldn't exist without the other (basic supply & demand law of economics).

That being said, I think the general public would say the "whore" has the worse reputation... At least by gauging recent LE activity.
cecark's Avatar
I personally believe the individual that chooses to judge either, with a exception for a John who neglects his family or obligations, is far worse that the provider or the
John. There are many self appointed judges out there they prey on less fortuniate people that are true low lifes. Any man who deprives his family to satisfay his habits, drinking-smoking-nascar, whatever is contemptable.
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Wait...Wait... Here it comes.......Shut up G. Controversy and side takin has no place on this board. hehehhehe Lonesome told me to say that.
baldnbashful's Avatar
The guy. The girl (i assume it is a girl) is just trying to make a living so she can feed all the bastard kids she most likely has and the dude negelects his....hmmm. I change my mind. The guy is a saint who is just trying to help the needy - a good god-fearing man helping a slut feed her family. She has to be a slut cause she sleeps with married men - for money no less....
Pamelatoo's Avatar
This is such a two sided coin. Keep on flippin. I'm sorry Bald but I don't SLEEP with married men anymore.I just fuckem for sport. No Sleepin involved.
hell i can't read between the lines so i have no clue why the question was posted lmao..also good to see you back southernborn..

but i would speculate that the whore/prostitute is lower by public most..a girl willing to fuck a guy..perhaps ANY guy just in order to get paid doesn't speak well of her..

understand that also comes with the notion that in this day or any day and time..women have always been held to a different standard regarding the sexuality.. a woman who even remotely appeared to like sex, seek sex not even in a "paid" way.. has almost always been frowned upon.. not much has changed in 2010.. couple that with a girl that will take money to fuck strangers..any stranger..and it simply compounds the thought process already

guys are frowned upon.. but oddly its usually for the fact that they are seeing a PROSTITUTE.. not them as a person..but the fact they contribute to the above mentioned notion that a woman selling sex is bad news.. if he cheats with just a woman..thats one thing..but to put down money on a dirty whore prostitute..oh thats just wrong to give a WOMAN like that money..they are not so much condemning the guy..but the fact he gives money to such a low life human being paid whore..

funny thing ain't it..

From the non participating public.... who do you think has the "lower " reputation?

- a nasty, dirty whore/prostitute?
- or a lowlife-immoral scumbag John who throws away his family's hard earned money on same?

Can any perceived double-standards be defended?

Whatayathink ?

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Pamelatoo's Avatar
I plead No Contest on that last statement. I was simply saying nothing of any worth. I am female and I like to engage in Adult appropriate acts of kindness and love. Only if it is received in a like manor. Never will or have I participated in any sexual act that has been paid for. The thought of that makes my skin crawl.
For more Please contact........ Seriously Yall thought I was going to give you a site?
  • MrGiz
  • 11-15-2010, 10:06 PM
As a group.... ya'll are getting close to the point I was trying to make.... but it's not our opinions I was asking about. It takes both sides to create a hobby date.... the need / desire has to be there on both sides.... whether it's money or the need to bust a nut!! Ya can't provide anything to the unwilling.... and the willing know where to look!

Even within the hobby.... I know there are some man hating providers out there, who quietly hate their career.... as I know very well, there are several mysoginistic hobbyists who trash talk the girls, as if they're speaking from a higher moral position!

If it's that way within the hobby.... I can only assume that the non-participating public have their own uneducated , but pre-conceived opinion on what's sleazier.... the guy willing to buy it? Or the girl willing to sell it?

I don't personally know Michael Vitter.... the esteemed Louisiana Senator.... but I am lucky enough to know and to have enjoyed time spent with his ex-favorite prostitute , Wendy Cortez , quite well!! Guess which one I consider to be truer to themself?

If you're a person of integrity.... it doesn't matter which side of the hobby you're on.... I just wish we could.... as a society.... say Hell Yeah.... Damned Straight.... I play the Hobby and enjoy the hell out of it!! The USA is such a sexually awkward country!! I thought we were suppose to be The Land of the Free??

baldnbashful's Avatar
I was just kidding. Any man who puts his own gratification ahead of the welafare of his children is not a man and is the lowest of the low in may opinion. The few ladies and i do mean ladies (including Pam), that I have had the pleasure of knowing were kind, big=hearted, and giving....healers of the soul and I have the upmost respect for them. They put themselves out there - while the guy only forks over cash...may god bless each of you and keep you safe....K
The land of the do exactly what the government mandates lol.. kinda crazy huh..

No doubt it takes two willing participates..some could argue that without a paying customer..the prostitute can NOT exist.. which would beg the point that the guy is to fault that is willing to pay..

however some would argue that without girls so nasty to sell it..guys wouldn't have the chance to stoop to such a low.

So which is it? was there a guy willing to pay? or a girl demanding money?

However I maintain that the general thought is that most prostitutes etc are cracked out, can't do anything else etc type girls..where as the guys are typically educated, while not accepted in society as "normal"..they to the general public are perceived to have more normal lives.. etc.. you ask any wife, family etc who they dislike worse.. the whore for selling or the john for buying..and i bet will be the whore for selling.. a woman willing to sell is "baiting" their loving, faithful husband with her "easy" pussy lol..its not the guys fault its out there..its the girls fault she sells it