Unable to post review

Skypilot1945's Avatar
On 2/15 I purchased 30 days premium access so that I could read the ROS in provider reviews to help pick a provider who best suited my needs and found a really terrific little lady. However, when I click on post a new review it takes me to a page that says I am either not signed in or do not have permission from the administrator to access this page. So what am I missing here. I would really like to leave this terrific little lady a review.
johnnybax's Avatar
Clear your cookies and close your browser. Login again and try again sir.
So a person can only post a review if they pay for premium access?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
No sir, any gentleman can post a review. You get the Premium Access BY posting a review; or you can pay for it if you choose to do so.

This should help explain

This will tell you the process of posting

This will tell you what we need to see within the review for approval