Bad day for the NFL

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 05-02-2012, 12:49 PM
First, they announce the penalties on the Saints D for "Bounty-Gate"...Then, there are reports that Junior Seau is dead from a gunshot...
Mr. Seau's suicide is a real shocker. He was one of the all time greats and seemed to be one of the more down to earth, squared away guys in pro sports.
Very sad.
atxwrx's Avatar
Very unfortunate.... It is eerily similar to the Dave Duerson suicide in January. Duerson committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest, so his brain could be donated for research. I know that there will be more info to come but this is not looking good for the NFL long term.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My understanding is that he did not leave a suicide note so we're left to speculation as to the reason behind it. Junior Seau was one of the greats at both the college and professional levels of football.
PornPet69's Avatar
Yes very sad to see a great person like that take his life. I was just reading an article that said 8 people from that 94 chargers team have past away, kinda weird. It hard to comprehend that someone like Junior Seau who had so much going for him just give up on life. I'll be honest, I'm stuck in a dead end job, live check to check, don't have too much friends, I say 5 very close friends. I pay for pussy when I should just get for free. My car is a piece of shit clunker that is about to be considered a classic in a year. Bills and debt up the ass, bill collectors calling me everyday. I have to pay a surcharge every year for my DL because I have too many points. But in the end I would never think about killing myself. I don't mean to stir a debate just being honest. R.I.P. Junior Seau
randal69's Avatar
I think that we're about to see the beginnings to radical changes to the sport of Football.I can see parents from here on through the future trying to encourage their kids more towards non mainstream sports such as lacrosse.I often joke that the NFL will be the National Flagfootball League soon.