Coed Houston = Playground Of Hate

People, it’s time to hit reset on this coed section and start anew. This is board and hobby should be about happiness, but the coed section is essentially hate, pettiness, bickering and warfare. Any attempt at a legit topic is derailed by the 5th post. You should have a mindset of it’s time to make $ or get some ass when you login, not who can I mess with and escalate petty BS with. One thing about OH2 is the administrator will lock a thread quickly when it becomes hateful or off topic. With eccie Houston (I can’t generalize all eccie), a single thread can reach 100+ with people spewing BS at each other. If you have beef, pm that person and beef via PM. This coed section is a like a Roman gladiator colosseum with people stabbing at each other with spectators watching. Let’s get back to the fundamentals of economics: buying and selling.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I agree it's a cess pool.

Love it though
You are right FM,
Go back a couple of years and you will see it wasn't like this at all. There was a little fucking around but nothing like now.
It didn't happen over night. It took about 2 to 3 years to get like this.
3 years ago there was no racebaiting and there was no political bullshit here in co-ed.
Think about that
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Who's race baiting now and when's the last time politics was even brought up besides you in this thread?

Now that's something to think friend. ;-)
I thought you were a student of history sc
What's the matter? Truth hurt?
I was trying to explain whats happened in coed to cause it to go to hell. that's what this thread is about. Coed is screwed up
Please stay on topic

I agree with the OP 100%
I agree it's a cess pool.

Love it though Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
As you stir that HUGE ladle...
Who's race baiting Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Something you know nothing about...
Your avatar...the most none race-baiter ever!!
VitaMan's Avatar
The reason is: no one has anything to talk about. The forum purpose is:

"male and female members can mingle and interact here"

When is the last time that happened ? It would be better to get rid of the forum.
As with anything else, when there is nothing to discuss - a sewer develops.

Armed forces would always turn to drunkenness and debauchery because....most of the time there was nothing to do. That is the reason incredible cleanliness, spot polish and fitness was introduced - to give them something to do. That was a few hundred years ago.

This forum doesn't have enough to do.
I agree that the quality of conversation in this section of the board has degraded. A lot of the fun people who would post here are gone, and the ones that are left are either posting content that's not worth replying to, or just not posting. Honestly, I visit this forum very infrequently.

I don't know how to fix it. Pull the fun people back in I guess.
I don't know how to fix it. Pull the fun people back in I guess. Originally Posted by idiot savant

Delete shit posts. Ban posting rights of those who have the obvious agenda of creating and throwing shit.
The only path to fix the coed section will require the mods to move from hands-off and spectators to engaged sheriffs. Otherwise self-check is ineffective. I’m not sure what purpose coed serves. The ladies can post ads and they have their ladies only forum. The mongers have their encounter reports and men’s lounge. Nothing productive comes from point-counterpoint when a provider and customer disagree on what occurred. Maybe it’s time to close coed for the balance of 2019 and revisit in 2020. Like separating kids who constantly fight.
That's not a bad idea
winn dixie's Avatar
Houston mods allow this! Members like sc and prince akim are the problem! When cornered they play the race card or turn into the over played victim! Thats funny when all they do is talk shit to women! But when a real man puts them into place they bitch and moan!
It's easy, just be positive.
winn dixie's Avatar
The only path to fix the coed section will require the mods to move from hands-off and spectators to engaged sheriffs. Otherwise self-check is ineffective. I’m not sure what purpose coed serves. The ladies can post ads and they have their ladies only forum. The mongers have their encounter reports and men’s lounge. Nothing productive comes from point-counterpoint when a provider and customer disagree on what occurred. Maybe it’s time to close coed for the balance of 2019 and revisit in 2020. Like separating kids who constantly fight. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
The Houston mods are part of the problem! This is supposedly a new eccie! Yet akim and sc are still members! ANYWHERE ELSE there asses would have been banned a long time ago! They do not dare to say there same shit in Austin! Crypt would ban there asses quickly!