Hey Crypt

boardman's Avatar
"Enough from all of you. You guys keep forgetting the owner's dictates. If we have to ban the lot of you for a week to get you to cool your heals and stop the pissing match we will do so. Now each and everyone of you to separate corners. Last and only warning." - Cryptkicker

How about explaining to us the owner's dictate again. From my perspective the owner we once knew hasn't been active in reality in over six months. That gives some legitimacy that his dictate is no longer holding water unless he wants to chime in and reinforce it. I for one would welcome it along with enforcement.

Ban the lot? The click rates in Houston will basically dwindle to zero. Is that the owner's wish? I highly doubt it.

You've been brought in from outside for whatever reason. That's fine and it may even be welcome provided you have the best interest of Houston in mind. Otherwise your next move is telling,

One week "cooling off periods" won't make a hill of beans in this debacle. I'd have thought you would have learned something between the time you were a new modtard forced to reverse my points and now several years later. I'd submit that you need three or four years of experience in the demise of Houston to understand the dynamics. Have you that knowledge? Why can't Houston mods handle their own? It's a serious question. Point and ban away my brother, you'll only make the resistance stronger. This place needs an intelligent mod not a heavy handed sheriff.
Russ38's Avatar
Sweet baby Tebow....I’ve seen this shit coming....
CryptKicker's Avatar
This is the owner's dictate and what every forum is supposed to be held up to. B Three already told some of these folks in private what I just quoted in public. They didn't listen to her so now it's time to pay the piper. Chris wants this to be an active but civil forum. Houston is no different than any other area on the board and people who violate the below words of ownership will be held accountable.

To all,

I wanted to take a moment to call to attention a few of the site's guidelines to be sure everyone understands and is on the same page with what is expected and what will be enforced.

The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site

These have always been part of the vision for this site, although I'm not so sure it's been enforced consistently mainly due to the site growing so large in size over the years.

The moderators have recently been given a directive from Site Admins to enforce these particular guidelines strongly and consistently across the board, anywhere it may exist. The key word is ANYWHERE. Any forum, public or private. If someone insults you to your face or behind your back they have still insulted you and that is that.

Also, a special call-out for those who may have participated in such behavior prior to the day this notice goes live: You can consider this an early Christmas present for you. You are being given a golden opportunity to stop insulting, targeting, or harassing other members and participate in harmony with the diverse folks that make up this community.
Should anyone not take this notice seriously and continue to display behaviors that have been prohibited on this site since Day 1, I'm afraid you won't be able to get by for very long flying under the radar without consequence or reprimand.

We have always intended this site to be a place everyone can come and participate, any gender, all walks of life, to seek and receive information pertaining to their search for fun and successful encounters. Staff wishes to issue an apology that the rapid growth of the site seemed to throw us off in some areas from keeping this aspect of the vision alive. Corrections and adjustments are being made, and it should be pretty noticeable in the days and weeks to come.

Thanks everyone! Have a great day!
boardman's Avatar
This is the owner's dictate and what every forum is supposed to be held up to. B Three already told some of these folks in private what I just quoted in public. They didn't listen to her so now it's time to pay the piper. Chris wants this to be an active but civil forum. Houston is no different than any other area on the board and people who violate the below words of ownership will be held accountable.

To all,

I wanted to take a moment to call to attention a few of the site's guidelines to be sure everyone understands and is on the same page with what is expected and what will be enforced.

The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site

These have always been part of the vision for this site, although I'm not so sure it's been enforced consistently mainly due to the site growing so large in size over the years.

The moderators have recently been given a directive from Site Admins to enforce these particular guidelines strongly and consistently across the board, anywhere it may exist. The key word is ANYWHERE. Any forum, public or private. If someone insults you to your face or behind your back they have still insulted you and that is that.

Also, a special call-out for those who may have participated in such behavior prior to the day this notice goes live: You can consider this an early Christmas present for you. You are being given a golden opportunity to stop insulting, targeting, or harassing other members and participate in harmony with the diverse folks that make up this community.
Should anyone not take this notice seriously and continue to display behaviors that have been prohibited on this site since Day 1, I'm afraid you won't be able to get by for very long flying under the radar without consequence or reprimand.

We have always intended this site to be a place everyone can come and participate, any gender, all walks of life, to seek and receive information pertaining to their search for fun and successful encounters. Staff wishes to issue an apology that the rapid growth of the site seemed to throw us off in some areas from keeping this aspect of the vision alive. Corrections and adjustments are being made, and it should be pretty noticeable in the days and weeks to come.

Thanks everyone! Have a great day!
Originally Posted by CryptKicker
With all due respect Chris hasn't posted anything of relevance since August 19th or so and his dictate as posted have absolutely not been enforced. It's a legitimate question to ask if he is in control or if this is a puppet regime or possibly total anarchy. The recent past supports the latter.

Putting a provider in authority and absolute control over an area where her business interests obviously outweighed her board interests was a mistake St. C would have never made.

You talk about accountability but there has been no accountability from the Houston staff in months, maybe years. They have, in the past, and to this day continue to ignore that dictate you so quoted. A review of the last few week's posts will substantiate my position. Moreover, their interests have lied elsewhere and half of Houston knows it. Otherwise they are absentee moderators. Are you making a commitment that real accountability is forthcoming?
boardman's Avatar
Sweet baby Tebow....I’ve seen this shit coming.... Originally Posted by Russ38

Can't ignore problems and expect them to go away...Management 101
Russ38's Avatar
I hear ya....carry on sir.....
winn dixie's Avatar
The problem is obvious, yet us folks defending those that have been stalked bullied and insulted get punished with the transgressors? Hey when the h-town mods and admin dont stop these members someone has to step up!
Tired of this b/s! Its either no modding or heavy handed pointing! None of this is generating new members or let alone view counts to bring in advertisers.
St. C's wishes? They are for ALL the forums to be modded the same! Rules to be the same across the board! This is clearly not happening! Is it St. C's wishes to have a mod so heavy handed that members leave and are scared to disagree with one another? I do not think so! There is a common ground! Look at the Dallas forums!! Perfect balance!
Still waiting on those supreme directives..
Russ38's Avatar
Keep waiting....
boardman's Avatar
Bring em on. Wouldn't be my first. I was included the original supreme directive.
My preference is anarchy...and it's better for click rates.
If they upgrade the ignore feature, that will work too
If I didn't have to see posters on my ignore list or their comments,that'd be great
boardman's Avatar
If they upgrade the ignore feature, that will work too
If I didn't have to see posters on my ignore list or their comments,that'd be great Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda

I agree, Some have used the "put me on ignore" tactic as some kind of idiotic challenge. They've know it is a worthless feature. Seems like it's some kind of badge of honor to just say it. It's a stupid badge to wear knowing the reality.
All they have to dom is go back 3 years and look for them selves.
Shouldn't be hard
I agree, Some have used the "put me on ignore" tactic as some kind of idiotic challenge. They've know it is a worthless feature. Seems like it's some kind of badge of honor to just say it. It's a stupid badge to wear knowing the reality. Originally Posted by boardman
I know,Dorian/Back2HoustonHobby and Winn dixie have been stalking,posting lies and insulting me for months
Both have been banned on oh2 for the same reasons
I just took them off to read,report and show mods why I need those supreme directives

The latter edited his signature just to insult me
Not sure I get the jist of this thread soggy cat.

I like that criptkicker stepped in. Thank you ck for doing that.

I imagine the volume of rtm is extremely high here. Fuck that if you are the only mod or two doing all the work. Pm after pm of whiny shit and grade school conflicts.

The more the merrier. Bring your mod buddies to houston coed!

Board needs attackers, spammers and trolls stopped.

Lock threads that only create crap.

An improved ignore system would be great but that would require cash. I am not holdimg my breath when volunteers mods are working for free with more people lining up to be one.

Imo, the board, over all, will get many more clicks from horny fuckers engaging with active posting providers than fuktards just getting off on the latest flame war.

As for ownership activity. I own my own businesses and I have subordinates to handle all my shit. Only a activity I need to stay involved in is the bittom line.

Anarchy is a lie. Someone is always in control.