Test your might! -videogame thread

Shutyourname's Avatar
So I havent seen anything on this, just thought I should start one! Anyone out there besides myself a gamer?!
budman33's Avatar
My son is more than me. Sure I have always played some.

lets see...some of my fav's

Wizardry on my best friends pimpin apple One

Barnstorming on atari 2600

Janes WWII fighters was first online game on a 56k modem

EverQuest online for too many years, glad i stopped that one.

Now WoW if really bored and Plants vs. Zombies <B

And I enjoy Gran Tourismo 5 from time to time to practice driving a Nissan GTR till I can buy my own.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
Had to quit. I would have been more productive with a heroin addiction.
Shutyourname's Avatar
I play wow as well. I been play since BC. But mass effect 2 is really good at the moment!
yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 07-20-2011, 02:43 PM
I defeated Bowzer once on Super Mario World...
runswithscissors's Avatar
You might touch base with Peach; I heard she is quite the Gamer Chick....

I use to play a ton on MMOs (Warhammer, Aion, Rift), but have stopped for awhile because it just doesn't seem like anybody is coming up with anything fresh. Played League of Legends a bit and really enjoyed that too. Currently play Darkspore, but I can only handle so much of it before it gets boring. Looking forward to Diablo and that new Star Wars MMO.

PeAcH definetely has the gamer pedigree (and decor), glad to see she's back.
NBA 2K, Halo, Battlefield, GTA. Xbox and/or PS3...I'll try most games at least once when they come out, but everything is just so repetitive nowadays.

& Peach interests me very much
I'm a bit of a gamer. Some of my recent favorites are Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and Heavy Rain. I'm really looking forward to Assassin's Creed Revelations and the next Arkham Assylum (I think it's called Arkham City).
NewWave's Avatar
NBA 2K, Halo, Battlefield, GTA. Xbox and/or PS3...I'll try most games at least once when they come out, but everything is just so repetitive nowadays.

& Peach interests me very much Originally Posted by ChickenSaladSandwich

Good list, and Peach definitely needs a good hot stuffing from yours truly.

Shutyourname, is your avatar from Shadow of the Collossus? looks like it anyways.

I enjoy arcade-y or adventure shit...Metroid, Castlevania, Marios etc...

Curious when new Metal Gear comes out, that's always up my alley.
  • jt3
  • 07-28-2011, 09:47 PM
Got my $150 CE preorder for Star Wars: The Old Republic in first day.
knotty man's Avatar
Shutyourname's Avatar
Good list, and Peach definitely needs a good hot stuffing from yours truly.

Shutyourname, is your avatar from Shadow of the Collossus? looks like it anyways.

I enjoy arcade-y or adventure shit...Metroid, Castlevania, Marios etc...

Curious when new Metal Gear comes out, that's always up my alley. Originally Posted by NewWave
Nope, it's from a game called killzone. Def a game worth checking out.

Batman Arkham city looking really good so does Battlefield 3!
justaphase's Avatar
I love Battlefield 2, Oblivion, and the Half-Life series. Batman Arkham Asylum was fun, too.