When are black flash mobs gonna hit Austin?

Gushing Geyser's Avatar
Its just a matter of time. Emboldened by the election of Obama, gangs of lawless criminal negroes are targeting whites. Are you ready? Will you let them kill you or will you fight back? This is Obama's new America, the third world violent multicultural paradise that liberals dream of. According to F Shart, this is no big deal, and Teabaggers and "elitist whites" are the ones running around killing, raping, looting and rioting right and left.

Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Peoria, Las Vegas, Oakland.

Google "flash mobs" and notice many news outlets are censoring who is behind this shit. "Youths" has become the new politically correct code word for black criminals.
Gushing Geyser's Avatar
Here is just a fraction of the flash mobs. They missed the Charlotte NC flash mob that left 1 dead, and the trashing of a Burlington Coat Factory in Columbus Ohio.

I doubt the see liberal Austin as much of a threat, more likely a safe haven
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I did see a Black kid knock out a white dude on 6th st the other night. He sucker punched his ass then just keep hitting him on the ground. Don't think it had anything to do with flash mobs. It was a mob, but just happened to be right as the mostly black bar let out for the night. I saw about 4 fights the only white dude was the one that got knocked out. I am thinking the white dude must have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I walked right on through and nobody fucked with me....
Gushing Geyser's Avatar
I doubt the see liberal Austin as much of a threat, more likely a safe haven Originally Posted by 3mils-right
I see white bicyclists and people walking by themselves at 3 am by 12th and Chicon all the time. I am surprised more murders dont happen there. Maybe there have been murders that have suppressed by the mainstream media.

And yes, any predominantly black bar is a hotbed for violence, rape and theft. 6th St is certainly no exception.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
This is some racist ass shit. Are we really going there?
Good point and with the recent government issues I would not be at all surprised to see a large spike in violent crimes along with robbery and certainly home invasions. Fact is as things get worse economically those are the trends that escalate. I don't want to see the flash mob crap go down here but it probably is just a matter of time.
This is some racist ass shit. Are we really going there? Originally Posted by Takeshi Miike

I wouldn't say its racist exactly but you have to recognize that the flash mob attacks are a genuine issue to be concerned with. The fact remains that they have and do happen and that's unfortunate to say the least
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
"yes, any predominantly black bar is a hotbed for violence, rape and theft"
This is a blatantly racist statement. Yeah, bars full of white folk are full of sugar plum fairies and unicorns, right?

As for flash mobs and the like, I don't know where you're from, but I grew up in the dirty south and was so freakin' happy to get to Austin and realized that not all places have a lot of racial tension. As a matter of fact, it's bullshit like this that causes racial tension.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
Seriously carry your shit to a city where you can experience real tension: try Baltimore, Philly, Richmond, Atlanta, DC. They're great places for people who like to hate. I've been on both sides, had friends beat nearly to death, gotten in fights myself, etc. because people didn't know how to treat each other. I have very little tolerance for the sentiments that create tension between different races. It's ignorant and unworthy of the human race.
Gushing Geyser's Avatar
Well, Takeshi, so the problem isn't the murderers, rapists, thieves or rioters..... the villains are the people stating the obvious and pointing out the elephant in the room.

I take it you've never been to a predominantly black bar. Try working in one, or working during a rap show. These apes make the trashiest trailer park trash look like saints. Its not even close. But play pretend all you want.
Try living or working around black folks. They aren't like what you see on MTV and ESPN.

Take your message of tolerance and piece to your homiez in the filthy cities you've recommended. I'm sure your lily white ass will be very well received.
  • Vyt
  • 08-08-2011, 11:45 PM
This is some racist ass shit. Are we really going there? Originally Posted by Takeshi Miike
No, we're not.