the ThreAD of all ThreADS

Hi, my name is America and I could really use your help!

Just yesterday my friend Dow Jones dropped over SIXX (haha sorry couldn't resist) hundred points.

My credit rating was dropped to AA+ and in case you weren't aware, I'm in like trillions of dollars of debt!

I know you may be skeptical of my credibility, but any and all help is appreiciated

s are accepted, duh! Just send them to my main man, Obama.

hehe, sorry I figured co-ed needed a lighthearted/funny thread as oppossed to the drama and arguing as of lately.

ps i have nothing but love for you sixx
just had to throw your name in there since you are threAD patrol

What is everyone's thoughts on this crisis that America is facing?
What are your thoughts for a possible solution?
Tax increases? Budget cuts?
Is this affecting your hobby budget? Or are you hobbying to relieve the stress and keep the money flowing through the economy?

Hopefully this won't turn into a lethal argument between Republicans vs Democrats, but I won't hold my breath ...I dare you to keep it civil
CRamsey's Avatar
LOL! Brains, Beauty and a sense of humor - I like you already, Jamie.

I will do my best to state my opinion without upsetting others.
Standards & Poor degraded our credit rating, and it may have been a mistake; mathematically speaking. - a two trillion dollar math mistake.

Instead of admitting their mistake and backtracking, they went ahead and let the political parties duke it out and play the blame game.

Regardless, something needs to change, and the election isn't too far off. Do your homework people!
LOL! Brains, Beauty and a sense of humor - I like you already, Jamie. Originally Posted by CRamsey

ohhh jeez, don't you dare try and make this threAD about me hahaha, I will be tarred and feathered in co-ed!

But yes, I caught a little segment on CNN about S&P possibly making a mistake. Interesting, but like you said something needs to change. I don't really care whose fault it is, or if some of these problems were inherited by the Obama administration. We can point fingers allll damn day and get nowhere. I just hope someway, somehow, Washington can come together for a resolution Wishful thinking...
Moved to the proper forum ..sand box

Have enough drama in the COED don't need to throw politics into the mix.

Passion2015's Avatar
You can't balance your budget and keep spending. It's like having a book of checks and no money in the bank but as long as you have checks you believe you have money. It's funny how easy it is to spend someone else's money..... Hmmm
GneissGuy's Avatar
[quote=Jamieyoung;1550837]Hi, my name is America and I could really use your help!

Hi honey, remember me? We've had a lot of sessions before. You grab me at the bank when I cash my paycheck, then blindfold, gag, and handcuff me, put me over the counter, then come at me with the strapon telling me "Squeal like a pig, boy."
DTorrchia's Avatar
Ways to help America?
Doesn't seem so hard.
1. Pull out most of the conventional troops out of Afghanistan. Increase the number of Spec Ops personnel that can carry out missions when necessary.
Would save us billions of $$$ immediately.
2. Stop providing SSI, non-emergency medical services and other benefits to illegal aliens. Again, would save millions of $$$ immediately.
3. Increase tariffs on products manufactured and imported from overseas.
4. Increase incentives for Companies to manufacture products here in the United States and employing U.S. citizens.
5. Hold China accountable for devaluing their currency by increasing tariffs on products coming from their country specifically.
6. 2 consecutive term limits on all Congressmen and Senators.
7. Abolish the BATF. Their functions can easily be absorbed into already existing Federal Law Enforcement agencies. They have shown time and time again that they are a bloated, incompetent and overall useless federal agency.
Speaking of useless federal Agencies, a critical look at what agencies are actually of benefit and which we could do without or which ones could be merged to save $$$.
8. A complete overhaul of our education system.

I'd say this would be a good start to helping turn America around again.
I agree with all but #9.

I would replace it with a different form of Federal tax system; maybe a flat tax or something, but whatever it is it would have to include a "Tobin Tax," - a 1% sales tax on all speculative transactions in which financial instruments are purchased. The trillions traded in debt, insurance swaps, equities, and other gambling with the world's wealth would balance the Federal budget overnight without suppressing these markets one bit if they paid a mere 1% sales tax just as we have to pay 8% when we buy our shoes or underwear.

Ways to help America?
Doesn't seem so hard.
1. Pull out most of the conventional troops out of Afghanistan. Increase the number of Spec Ops personnel that can carry out missions when necessary.
Would save us billions of $$$ immediately.
2. Stop providing SSI, non-emergency medical services and other benefits to illegal aliens. Again, would save millions of $$$ immediately.
3. Increase tariffs on products manufactured and imported from overseas.
4. Increase incentives for Companies to manufacture products here in the United States and employing U.S. citizens.
5. Hold China accountable for devaluing their currency by increasing tariffs on products coming from their country specifically.
6. 2 consecutive term limits on all Congressmen and Senators.
7. Abolish the BATF. Their functions can easily be absorbed into already existing Federal Law Enforcement agencies. They have shown time and time again that they are a bloated, incompetent and overall useless federal agency.
Speaking of useless federal Agencies, a critical look at what agencies are actually of benefit and which we could do without or which ones could be merged to save $$$.
8. A complete overhaul of our education system.

I'd say this would be a good start to helping turn America around again. Originally Posted by DTorrchia
sixxbach's Avatar

Just yesterday my friend Dow Jones dropped over SIXX (haha sorry couldn't resist) hundred points.

ps i have nothing but love for you sixx
just had to throw your name in there since you are threAD patrol

Originally Posted by Jamieyoung

Jamie you do know that I have a weakness for women with beautiful eyes, nice tan skin, big boobies... and... uh.... what the hell? You are cool....
