Name Worst MAGA policies

I have yet to really hear anyone give a detailed response. So, what are the top three worst MAGA policies ?
I will probably regret this after seeing many of your other posts but I'll bite.

Where to start, where to start. You did not say whether you want official policy like what is in the 2024 GOP Platform or whether you just want things said and threatened by Trump or others who support him.

So first I will give you one that is not official and just based on remarks from Trump and Vance.

DO NOT SUPPORT UKRAINE OR ANY NATO MEMBER THAT DOES NOT MEET THEIR FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. That is just plain foolish. I'm not going to even say more right now unless you or someone else says something in support of this that makes no sense. Which will probably happen.

Now here is an official one.


I'll probably get reamed over that one by a bunch of you. Thankfully the two biggest loudmouths in this forum don't seem to be able to participate right now. Because I would not if they did.

But this is a made up problem. One of my homes is in Florida where Ron DeSantis has led this charge. It is a stupid fucking waste of time and resources. And it has hurt and demonized a lot of people. And it is sickening that people say they want to protect freedom and the rights of parents to take care of their children when they are pushing laws and policies that do the exact opposite. And WHO decides what is "inappropriate"? All you have to do is look at the unbelievable mess of book banning in Florida schools to see what a joke that is. I don't want anyone making these decisions for me or my kids. I get to make them. Period. Not you or a pissed off parent at a school board meeting or a religous whack job. Or Ron DeSantis or one of Trump's taintlickers.

So go ahead and tear me up. I'm ready. But please. Let's not fight about this. Any of us. No name calling or lumping half of the country into one group and saying that they are all like this. My neighbor has Trump signs all over his house and cars. And he and I are good friends.
Like usual, half truths and innuendo, mostly propagated by a press that isn't honest about NATO.

Trump identified the problem correctly with NATO, in that the member countries were not paying their agreed upon amount for defense spending, and everyone expected the United States to just step in and provide security at no charge. Worse yet, many of the European countries would not honor trade agreements with the U.S. hurting United States business. So the U.S. was losing twice to them. The professional politicians of both parties let this go.

Bottom line is Trump saw the problem correctly, but no one wanted to admit the problem, which makes you wonder how many dollars many of them were getting under the table.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I honestly don't even know Trump's MAGA policies other than immigration AKA if you ain't white you ain't right inferred rhetoric. I'm going to have to google that later to address this topic properly. LOL
I honestly don't even know Trump's MAGA policies other than immigration AKA if you ain't white you ain't right inferred rhetoric. I'm going to have to google that later to address this topic properly. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

That is total bull pucky lies told by Democrats and open border fools.
There aren't many policies to choose from to start with. EOs aren't policy.

Tariffs on China probably spurred some inflation. It took a couple years to see this but by then Trump was removed and Biden got blamed for it.

Most of America opposes the Roe vs Wade reversal.

Tax cut while initially seemed good, ends up decreasing after tax income for 90% of Americans. While the top earners get a permanent tax cut.
Make America Energy Independent.
Give middle Americans Tax Breaks
Get Inflation under control
Make NATO pay their fair share in their defense.
Close that darn Border.

Oh, sorry. I hope I don’t get pointed.
Make America Energy Independent.
Give middle Americans Tax Breaks
Get Inflation under control
Make NATO pay their fair share in their defense.
Close that darn Border.

Oh, sorry. I hope I don’t get pointed.
THESE ARE GREAT THINGS. Originally Posted by Jackie S
... However, those are considoured some of the WORST
MAGA policies according to the Dems. ...

... So maybe you're still on-topic...

... I don't like Mitch McConnell setting what he thinks
is MAGA policy in the Senate.

#### Salty
There aren't many policies to choose from to start with. EOs aren't policy.

Tariffs on China probably spurred some inflation. It took a couple years to see this but by then Trump was removed and Biden got blamed for it.

Most of America opposes the Roe vs Wade reversal.

Tax cut while initially seemed good, ends up decreasing after tax income for 90% of Americans. While the top earners get a permanent tax cut. Originally Posted by royamcr

Wrong as a $3 bill like usual.

You don't have a clue about inflation. Both Republicans and Democrats were responsible for part of it because of the stupid Covid lockdowns and money spent by Congress. Covid was over when Biden took over the White House and sent more money out which was nothing more than inflationary and hurt people than helped them.

You don't understand taxation at all. Tax rates doesn't have much to do with revenue. The problem is baseline budgeting by congress where a 5% increase in spending is call a cut because they wanted to spend 10% more.

Roe Vs Wade was a horribly wrong decision not based at all on the Constitution but made up garbage by liberals. We still can't have an honest debate about the issue it seems..
biomed1's Avatar
To Stay On Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I’m not sure this is a MAGA policy but it is a Trump policy. Revenge. If Trump wins the white house I fear that the first thing on his todo list will be to press for revenge on his enemies list. I think that’s true of both democrats and republicans. Anyone who he views as having wronged him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Make America Energy Independent.
Give middle Americans Tax Breaks
Get Inflation under control
Make NATO pay their fair share in their defense.
Close that darn Border.

Oh, sorry. I hope I don’t get pointed.
THESE ARE GREAT THINGS. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It is unlikely we will ever be energy independent.

The tax breaks we were given in 2017 mainly benefitted the upper class. My taxes went down something like 2%.

Inflation is under control. It has decreased to almost normal levels. And the reason for the high inflation was due to the same reason inflation hit 14% under Trump and our GDP was the worst in about 60 years under him.

Trump presented several goals last night in his speech but one thing was lacking -- how to achieve those goals
It is unlikely we will ever be energy independent.

The tax breaks we were given in 2017 mainly benefitted the upper class. My taxes went down something like 2%.

Inflation is under control. It has decreased to almost normal levels. And the reason for the high inflation was due to the same reason inflation hit 14% under Trump and our GDP was the worst in about 60 years under him.

Trump presented several goals last night in his speech but one thing was lacking -- how to achieve those goals Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Simple, don’t vote for any Democrats in Congress.
Precious_b's Avatar
What?!?! They have policies?????

I forget who called me out on giving one example what the demos did that repubs couldn't and I made them flustered when it came to naming a Speaker in short order.

Another thing is they can move and pass legislation better than the party of NO.