
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I noticed a couple of threads in the welcome wagon today where some highly respected members offered some sage advice for some of our new members. It has been suspected and documented several times there are predators lurking there intimidating and victimizing newbies.

I am an expert on absolutely nothing!

A thought did cross my mind, could, would management take the best of this advice and create a sticky at the top of the forum. I am aware this alone will not cure the problem completely but combined with continued diligence may reduce the amount of grief inflicted by this lower life form.

As an example one gentleman whom frequents that forum and was recently called out for false accusations, has contributed the following response (28) times in welcoming new members. Huh? and (2) Yo's out of his (150) post, how inviting!

I may be be under, or over thinking this your thoughts and considerations.

These are the two of the threads I was referring to.
I couldn't agree more! I wish there was a forum for new ladies to get acquainted with the site BEFORE they are thrown into the viper den, or before they are even allowed to post. Maybe have some tips on screening or something, since in all reality, most of the new girls coming here have never even heard of screening. Then they post their alerts and we chastise them for their lack of screening requirements. There has to be a better way....
Good point Dannie

Frankly I am sick of the newbie ladies getting beat up from the men and especially the ladies. Geez why ask the provider did she screen, she doesn't have provider status yet. How did she know to stay away from such and such.

Plus the newbies ladies are either scared or do not know who to ask for help around here. Im going for scared. Its a shame, we see the pretty ladies come and post in welcome wagon and then they disappear.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I couldn't agree more! I wish there was a forum for new ladies to get acquainted with the site BEFORE they are thrown into the viper den, or before they are even allowed to post. Maybe have some tips on screening or something, since in all reality, most of the new girls coming here have never even heard of screening. Then they post their alerts and we chastise them for their lack of screening requirements. There has to be a better way.... Originally Posted by Dannie
What if the mods sent an e-mail to every new female registrant with a set of tips / pointers / warnings / useful links / etc. ?
What if the mods sent an e-mail to every new female registrant with a set of tips / pointers / warnings / useful links / etc. ? Originally Posted by ShysterJon

I think that is a great idea!!!
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I would think that could be easily automated and implemented.
Marcel's Avatar
+1 Shyster.
Good thinking. It's sad that there are guys out there that prey on the newbies
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
damn pussy pirates is what they are!!! pisses me off when they do that do girls, i too was a victim when i was new here... glad i wised up really quick!

pmdelites's Avatar
Originally Posted by ShysterJon
What if the mods sent an e-mail to every new female registrant with a set of tips / pointers / warnings / useful links / etc. ?

I think that is a great idea!!! Originally Posted by Dannie

so, dannie, how about you and some of the women draft a letter and then run it by some of the other women, then pass it on to the mods for either a sticky post [think that would be easier] or a email upon registering [might be a waste of time].

just my thoughts.....
Dannie and all others are correct. I always catch shit from the maggot population but ladies please screen, call the references and make sure the guy is who he says he is and if you feel uneasy after talking to a reference follow your instincts and put him on your DNS list. Don't let anyone intimidate you with threats of bad reviews, use Girl Talk and back channels. If you are new to the business read the threads and find out which girls are savvy and willing to help a sister. This hobby is full of Viagra abusers and there are more than a few that will drop "G" on you and "rape" you, knowing how hard it is for a provider to come forward.

ShysterJon's Avatar
so, dannie, how about you and some of the women draft a letter and then run it by some of the other women, then pass it on to the mods for either a sticky post [think that would be easier] or a email upon registering [might be a waste of time]. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Personally, I think a new girl would be more likely to read an e-mail than a sticky post, especially if the title or the beginning of the e-mail said something like "IMPORTANT -- PLEASE READ." When I join a new web site I always read the e-mail I get upon registration to get the low-down on how to use the site.

Also, with an e-mail, versus a sticky post, we can all say "Hey, it's not like we didn't warn you" when a problem comes up.

Of course, there's no reason why the tips / pointers / warnings / useful links / etc. can't be in both an e-mail and a sticky post.
gptxman's Avatar
I agree an automated email or PM with info with that type of info should be sent to all providers when they sign up to help the merge into the board more smoothly and safely.

I also think a similar automated email or PM should be sent to hobbyist also with a set of tips / pointers / warnings / useful links / example proper review / etc.

We all use this site to find what we are looking for and to help protect ourselves so anything that could be done easily like an automated message with that kind of info in it would go a long way to help the new additions who are at a loss do that. I sure wished it existed when I signed up last year.
I think the automated email is a good idea. Right now the system is, let a lady register and hope she brought an umbrella big enough for when the shit storm hits her. Anything is better than that. But should the site just automate that with some minor programming or should they be looking at being a little more involved?

There are lots of dangers online and most of the younger ladies represent a group that has some of the highest risks. Why not put forth a little effort, where the site requires that any new female handle must take some quizzes on basic online safety before they have posting privileges? I’m not suggesting only the ladies should be subjected to that, but they are the group I think should be protected a little more.

Side note: Regarding “registered female handles” let’s keep in mind, we truly never know the gender of the person registering/ login on as a woman. Warning! The link below is to a video clip with sound!

I think the VP should handle this area 100%. They could establish a board, say 5-7 members, that could decide based on experience and history, what foundational knowledge is necessary for the newbies to know before posting. To honor Dannie, we could name them, The Guardians of The Clam ( j/k ).

This board prepares and determines the materials to be taught, and puts it together in very short modules. A handful of questions are prepared and put into a questions bank. The system could then generate random, short quizzes out of the questions on the data bank. 5-7 questions per quiz and then the lady advances to the next module. The key to all of this would be to make it as concise as possible. It would be ideal if the modules along with the quizzes could be completed in about 20 minutes, and definitely under 30 minutes. Quizzes should be multiple choices and maybe just one answer that they have to type in.

Again, the board would determine the content to cover, with a focus on protection against online predators. Knowing the rules for participating in coed forums, applying and attaining VP status, posting in the Welcome Wagon once, and what to include in that post. Wish list: a few tips on navigating and searching the site would be helpful. AlSo DiScOuRaGiNg ThIs TyPe Of PoStInG WoUlD Be GrEaTlY ApPrEcIaTeD.

Thus when everything is ready, the newly registered lady, would be greeted by a page that might be similar to this, when logging on for the first time.Note: New Lady X = Newly Registered Female Handle:

From that point forward, she could choose to complete the modules later, and navigate the site, but her posting privileges would be disabled until she completes the foundations modules. There isn’t such thing as a perfect solution and I am certain there are many flaws with what I propose. I think doing this, or some similar solution, would have a much greater impact than an automated email alone. The main reason is because it wouldn’t be an option anymore to read the basics of the site.

I know it seems like a lot of work, but from my perspective, I’m not willing to put a price tag on a young lady’s safety, by determining what constitutes too much labor. Again, this is not a solution to all the things that are wrong with the hobby, its aim is to protect a vulnerable segment that is unprepared when they arrive to this site. It would take some time to put it together. In the mean time, the WW Douche Bags or Pussy Pirates, as Jules puts it, continue their work:

The Guardians of The Clam

Freeking Genius and very well though out. I don't want to see new providers hurt and just as importantly, I don't want them out of the business before we get to see them. An idea whose time has come.

To honor Dannie, we could name them, The Guardians of The Clam ( j/k ). Originally Posted by Matador
Haha! Love it!

I think a newbie provider boot camp is an excellent idea. Although more involved, it would make it a heck of a lot safer for them. Not to mention it would make the "transition" here, a lot easier. +1 to everything Matador suggested.