Sexual Menu

  • Chloe
  • 03-25-2010, 12:38 AM
As the nutrition guru that I am I had to do it!!!! . . . Posting some nutritional advice for all of us to utilize

There are a few key food nutrients that are clearly linked to sexual performance. First are foods that promote the production of a chemical in the body called nitric oxide. This is actually a gas that is released in minute amounts in the tissues of the penis, clitoris, and labia during sexual arousal. Nitric oxide is what opens up blood vessels, allowing for the swelling and increased sensitivity that come with sexual excitement.

Nitric oxide is made from an amino acid called arginine, which is found in particular abundance in the following foods:
  • Beans
  • Walnuts
  • Cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna
  • Soy products
  • Oats
  • Almonds
Another class of nutrients important for sexual health are the bioflavonoids. These are plant compounds that work like antioxidants, scavenging by-products of the body's metabolism or harmful molecules resulting from exposure to environmental pollutants like smog, cigarette smoke, or pesticides. Fruit and vegetables are the main sources of bioflavonoids. The list below shows the types of bioflavonoids and some of the best food sources for each.

Anthocyanidins: berries, cherries, grapes, fruit skins, and true fruit juices
Catechins: true teas (not herbal teas)
Flavanones: citrus fruits
Flavones: whole grains, celery, parsley, and herbs
Flavonols: grapefruit, oranges, apple skins, berries, onions, endive, radishes, tomatoes, leeks, broccoli, and red wine.
auknowho's Avatar
That looks like a good menu
looks like a GREAT menu
That looks like a good menu Originally Posted by auknowho
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-25-2010, 05:52 AM
If I eat all this stuff, I will blow up.
Do they have any pills of arginine with bioflavonoids ?
Just Sayin !!!!
  • Laker
  • 03-25-2010, 06:35 AM
Wonder if a side effect would be the creation of nitrous oxide aka laughing gas? :-)
This gives me motivation to eat more sashimi. I will still pretend that oysters work, because I like them.
  • Laker
  • 03-25-2010, 07:54 AM
On further review of Chloes list, I'll vote for wine! And wine also provides lubrication, make your blood cells slippery, and hopefully not all that gets slippery!!
brutusbluto's Avatar
Good old saliva seems to work well also...
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-25-2010, 08:26 AM
The potassium in a Banana is supposed to help thin your blood and lower your Blood Pressure
jmb3000's Avatar
cnym if you are looking for L-arginine and bioflavonoids they do not come together in pill for but you can find them in separate pills. L-arginine is listed under its name and bioflavonoids can be found in Grape seed extract.
beer and viagara... all the male vitamins ever needed...
Nice, Chloe!

As a nearly lifelong vegetarian, the bulk of my diet is actually built around most of what you posted, and as a workout and exercise junkie, I am very familiar with the benefits of heightened nitric oxide levels.

I honestly hadn't really given much thought to the potential sexual benefits, but from a workout perspective, increased nitric oxide levels do produce greatly improved intensity, stamina, strength and muscle recovery, so it makes sense that these benefits could translate to the bedroom as well. Leave it to our Chloe to figure that one out.

Also, if anyone is interested, there are some great "superfood" antioxidant supplements out there, that are essentially the equivalent of 10-12 servings of fruits and vegetables in one drink, in addition to supplements that dramatically raise nitric oxide levels, but I wouldn't advise taking the nitric oxide ones unless you work out regularly and don't have high blood pressure or heart problems, as these will increase your heart rate considerably. Best not to take unless you are in good cardiovascular condition. The antioxidant supplements are fine for anyone to take though and can be found in any vitamin store.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-26-2010, 05:00 PM
I have found that a little Chloe in my diet is best for my libido.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Good ol Vitamin "C"hloe
  • Chloe
  • 03-28-2010, 12:27 AM
On further review of Chloes list, I'll vote for wine! And wine also provides lubrication, make your blood cells slippery, and hopefully not all that gets slippery!! Originally Posted by Laker
Both men and women can be turned on by the aromas of wine. The scents of many wines are believed to replicate human pheromones, the chemical substances that cause behavioral responses in humans.