What is the policy of Coed ads/threads? What is the actual intended purpose of Coed?

OK I really don't give a rat's ass either way but I would like to be 100% clear on this for future reference.

If I am understanding the mods correctly the policy is that blatant ad/threads are now allowed in Coed?

I think everyone would like to be clear on this so nobody makes the mistake of correcting posters on it only to find themselves accused of thread hijacking.

The ECCIE description of Coed is the following:
Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

Ok so how exactly does one even respond or contribute to one of these threads? This is especially considering that they are 100% about self promotion.
There is No discussion involved and thought provoking certainly doesn't apply.

This brings me to the obvious second question.

What is the owners up-to-date intended purpose for Coed?

Again I have no bone in this dogfight but the topic should be openly addressed and clarified for all to benefit from.
My understanding is they can post them and the mods will not intervene , but St Chris says if we find them distasteful we can state our distain ! If that's not the case then I have 25 points to use as I choose to protest them ! They are basically look at me threads , which are not fair to the other ladies who follow the rules . And we all know they're not done by mistake , it's FREE ADVERTISING . With all their advertising and the lame ass pop ups , we need to revolt !
My understanding is they can post them and the mods will not intervene , but St Chris says if we find them distasteful we can state our distain ! If that's not the case then I have 25 points to use as I choose to protest them ! They are basically look at me threads , which are not fair to the other ladies who follow the rules . And we all know they're not done by mistake , it's FREE ADVERTISING . With all their advertising and the lame ass pop ups , we need to revolt ! Originally Posted by DIE HARD

Unlike the impact they have upon you they don't really piss me off in the least although they are pretty annoying but I'm wondering what the deal is as they certainly do NOT fall into the ECCIE stated purpose for Coed which again is ..

Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

Just trying to understand the logic or intention behind this new policy.
greymouse's Avatar
An obvious answer is that if the posting is "entertaining" it is a contribution to the community regardless of whether it serves some other purposes as well.

By that standard, IMHO, a majority of posting by male participants fail to measure up as many of the are essentially ThreadADs for someone's outsized ego posted for the sole purpose of generating controversy and a lot of shouting and finger pointing. Some people apparently enjoy that but the declining participation in Coed seems to cast doubt on how large that group really is. No doubt Management is always considering what policies best promote advertising revenue enhancing levels of viewing. Like it or not this IS primary an advertising medium rather than boy's complaining and attacking club.
I choose not to spend my time with people who use under-handed practices. Market and social forces curb the behavior much more effectively than forum moderation.
An obvious answer is that if the posting is "entertaining" it is a contribution to the community regardless of whether it serves some other purposes as well.

By that standard, IMHO, a majority of posting by male participants fail to measure up as many of the are essentially ThreadADs for someone's outsized ego posted for the sole purpose of generating controversy and a lot of shouting and finger pointing. Some people apparently enjoy that but the declining participation in Coed seems to cast doubt on how large that group really is. No doubt Management is always considering what policies best promote advertising revenue enhancing levels of viewing. Like it or not this IS primary an advertising medium rather than boy's complaining and attacking club. Originally Posted by greymouse
I guess I just fail to see the entertainment value in a "Boy's I will be in town this weekend and I'm now GFE" thread. Nothing about it peaked my interest.

Based upon that logic then every single Provider Ad and Weekend Lineup ad should likewise triple their exposure by simply posting in Coed as well.
Just so as long as they make sure to say something entertaining in the post there should be NO problem.

Come on over to "Coed" girls. The front door's wide open.
Whispers's Avatar
An obvious answer is that if the posting is "entertaining" it is a contribution to the community regardless of whether it serves some other purposes as well. Originally Posted by greymouse
That is true but just like prime time.... we get too many ads that are NOT entertaining.....

Like it or not this IS primary an advertising medium rather than boy's complaining and attacking club. Originally Posted by greymouse

Actually it is far more an "information exchange' medium where the value is in the information brought to the table by the membership......

The ads can be found anywhere..... the information is less available and worth a lot more..... Lots of guys make decisions day after day never looking at the ads posted...... solely based on reviews......

If your premise were correct members would pay or EARN a premium status for the privilege of reading an ad....
It amazes me how worked up people seem to get over this topic. If you don't like the threADS, don't read them and don't respond to them. They would disappear much faster if people didn't feel the need to call them out. They aren't breaking any rules, they are just annoying.

There are much more important topics to worry about...
Grace Preston's Avatar
It amazes me how worked up people seem to get over this topic. If you don't like the threADS, don't read them and don't respond to them. They would disappear much faster if people didn't feel the need to call them out. They aren't breaking any rules, they are just annoying.

There are much more important topics to worry about... Originally Posted by cyrick
Have to agree here to a point... the more you ignore them, the quicker they get bumped down the page. They are only effective if they get attention and remain near the top.

However, it has really gotten out of hand lately. It is one thing to post an imaginative or thought provoking post in the vein of getting some extra bonus attention.. its another entirely to just basically post "I"m here baby-- come do me now". There are two great places aside from Co-Ed for that BS.. they are called ISO and Chat.
Well damn, I was gonna think up a threAD of my own lol. Who cares, in my opinion. We are here to market and sell a product, and you are here to learn about it and decide if you will purchase. What's the big deal. Let the threads go down to the bottom and die a fast death, and wait for the next one....
I'm with cyrick. I don't understand how you guys are so hurt by these posts. A little overly sensitive I guess. Don't you something worthwhile to be concerned about?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I hopa my.thread is not seen as a ad..my intent was.not
sixxbach's Avatar

By that standard, IMHO, a majority of posting by male participants fail to measure up as many of the are essentially ThreadADs for someone's outsized ego posted for the sole purpose of generating controversy and a lot of shouting and finger pointing. Some people apparently enjoy that but the declining participation in Coed seems to cast doubt on how large that group really is. No doubt Management is always considering what policies best promote advertising revenue enhancing levels of viewing. Like it or not this IS primary an advertising medium rather than boy's complaining and attacking club. Originally Posted by greymouse
People love drama and I have enjoyed doing that. I am not doing that as much these days because I have some other things going in my life but will comment from time to time. Compare your coed thread view counts to mine...

Declining particapation in coed? Really? A shitload of threAD's in coed these days. Even camrose (a provider) seems to agree.

sixxbach's Avatar
Well damn, I was gonna think up a threAD of my own lol. Who cares, in my opinion. We are here to market and sell a product, and you are here to learn about it and decide if you will purchase. What's the big deal. Let the threads go down to the bottom and die a fast death, and wait for the next one.... Originally Posted by bustyamy

I guess we only have 4 more days of your contributions to the Austin coed board???
