Posting issues (please read this is not a duplicate posting)

torpedo69's Avatar
I work in the IT industry specifically in web server administration. Please reply to this thread with information regarding the internet provider that you have issues with. I have noticed if I switch to wifi hotspot on my phone the issue tends to go away. I am posting this thread and poll to see if we can get some information together that the mods can take to the server providers and administrators to help resolve the issue.

The types of issues that I have seen that only to affect users that attempting to post and not so much when trying to read posts that are already made it seems to be consistent with POST attack mitigation techniques that used.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-06-2013, 03:46 PM
Time Warner, and Windstream both.

I'm unable to post, but can read posts just fine.

I'm amazed that I could get this in.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Couldn't post or PM. On AT&T Uverse. Not sure that is the issue. Seems server side as I am on LInux with Firefox and have no other issues with any other site. I'm posting now through Have to try my hotspot and my Windoze systems, but seems more server side (since a post is http post and then db insert). Many people are having this issue as well so it is bound to be on the site's side.
torpedo69's Avatar
That is exactly what I suspected. It seems that there is a block on certain ip blocks for http post
fun2come's Avatar
Clearing browser cache and cookies ALWAYS helps. Usually just the one for the last hour, if I miss it for the last day (Chrome). Of course it does not take too long for the problem to resurface, clear that cookie monster.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-06-2013, 11:07 PM
Clearing browser cache and cookies ALWAYS helps. Usually just the one for the last hour, if I miss it for the last day (Chrome). Of course it does not take too long for the problem to resurface, clear that cookie monster. Originally Posted by fun2come
Well, no, actually, it doesn't always help, but it can sometimes.

Mods/admins/eccie-techies, can we get some indication that the problem is being looked into?

Is there anything that we can do to help diagnose?
torpedo69's Avatar
Is there anyone seeing trouble that is not in Texas? It seems everyone is Texas. The issue seems to be improving but still a problem from time to time.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-06-2013, 11:40 PM
Is there anyone seeing trouble that is not in Texas? It seems everyone is Texas. The issue seems to be improving but still a problem from time to time. Originally Posted by torpedo69
*raises hand*
I'm in Texas and was having trouble on through 4g on att using ie. Then I switched to mozilla and it got better but not fixed then nothing. Then I switched to chrome and had similar problems.
Sunday night, I was able to post from my PC...but not my phone on 4g or wi-fi.

Tonight, phone rarely worked and I just tried posting a review on my pc and it won't go. If you are reading this....a small post worked.
My problems have nothing to do with the IP provider; but with the browser application.......I can no longer access ECCIE using Chrome, but Foxfire and Explorer work fine .........go figure.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We are aware of the problems being reported and the slowdown issue is being looked into.

Whirly, I use Chrome all the time myself and its definitely running slower but have not had any total disconnect issues...yet
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-07-2013, 06:26 PM
I am surprised that Time-Warner Cable was not included among the choices of the poll.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-07-2013, 06:59 PM
I am surprised that Time-Warner Cable was not included among the choices of the poll. Originally Posted by Mokoa
So was I, but I voted for them as a write-in candidate. Along with Windstream.

Not that it seemed to make a bit of difference, I suspect the problem is as far away from the client as it's possible to get.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-07-2013, 07:13 PM
Just had a hiccup at 8:11pm central, but hit back and submit again, and it went thru.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Using Chrome. This morning there was another hiccup. Exited Chrome; cleared the the cache files and was able to post. However, there were a couple more hiccups throughout the day: including forums and threads failing, multiple times, to open.