Decade of thoughts

I started this hobby about 10 years ago. I have not been active on these forum sites as of late due to real life catching up. I started young (around 25) and single, a dare from friends just to see if some really hot looking Craigslist ad is real. It is not! But I've continued in the hobby beyond that; it entertained me, and some of the older ladies taught me things that I don't believe I could have gotten in real life. These skills and method of easy relaxation definitely helped my dating life immensely. Ladies, thank you! I believe that a higher respect should be given for the services that you do.

One of my favorites, she basically started this hobby the same time I did. Her being the same age I am makes us get along pretty well. We might even be friends, she says. Recently I thought about writing a review because I've never written one about her, so I read what people said about her. Wow! She's still 25! I know she doesn't look 25 to me! Maybe 32 at best! I am one of those assholes who likes to call out actresses in high school movies for not looking like a teenager, so maybe I am just better at telling ages. Obviously I am not outing her now.

Let me end this before I start writing a book. I suppose more is to come, if interested.
Just tell me the Craiglist person was at least a women?
Just tell me the Craiglist person was at least a women? Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Must you have everything?