Date Check for verification

Which ladies actually use date-check for verification?

For those that may not know, date-check ( is a verification service similar to p411.

I ask because I recently moved to the Dallas area from the NE where both Date-check and P411 are used for verification. After several painful experiences here attempting to get verified through date-check, I have decided there are a lot of ladies who have date-check profiles, but don't actually use the service for verification.

So ladies, if you do use date-check, please reply to the thread and I will compile a list. In the meantime, I guess I will also work on joining P411, which it seems just about everyone here does use.

Thanks ladies
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I tried using it it for a brief while, but as you stated, most here use P411. It seemed like it was a good verification site for those in other areas though.