I want to apologize to Kira for getting her involved in this on going bs I'm involved with on this board. She's a great girl and is an amazing provider as some of you know. I just wanted to tell everyone what a great time I have with her but didn't realize the backlash I'd get. Again I'm sorry Kira, everyone should go see her she's amazing, the best around.
Loki Pk's Avatar
You posted a FAKE REVIEW !
You have NO IDEA what the consequences your actions have on others.
This is her BUSINESS and YOU are fucking with it.
You really are a sorry excuse for a man.

Do you have proof I posted a fake review Poki? 100% legit. stfu if you have no clue wtf you're talkin about.
Loki Pk's Avatar
So you are actually trying to say that review is real and true?

Wow dude...just wow! Why do you want to hurt that lady like this? What the fuck did she do to you? I mean, really mr.? Why post a fake review knowing that it will effect her business?
You can blow smoke up someone else's ass but I know with 100% certainty that it did NOT happen.
Have you dug your hole so deep now that you NEED to stand by that shill report or get banned for life by the Administration here? WTF. Seriously...WTF?

For what it is worth, I have no horse in this race. I have only seen her once and think she is a great lady who gave me great service. BUT she isn't my GF, SO, fuck-buddy or cherished ATF so whatever you do has ZERO effect on me.
However, I do have a hard time standing here and watching you fuck up another persons livelihood. Which is what your doing. This is how she pays the bills and you are interfering with that. And that doesn't put you off in the least bit?
Again, why do you want to hurt this chick? What the hell did she do to You? Chances are that she will split and leave us here to our own devices. Is that your goal? and if that happens, what then?

My sincere apologies to Kira and anyone else this drama effects, it is not my intention to cause you distress in any way.

poki, i have not lied or misrepresented anything ive written on this board. if you choose not to believe then thats on you. i couldn't care less what you think. game over
Loki Pk's Avatar
poki, i have not lied or misrepresented anything ive written on this board. if you choose not to believe then thats on you. i couldn't care less what you think. game over Originally Posted by eddie12148
Well then sir, you are a liar and a thief and deserve all the bad things that have happened to you that made you this way...I pity you.