Question for the ladies with SO's or Real world relationships

Massagejunkyie69's Avatar
Hi all of you cute ladies, I've been wondering this for some time, and I'll state up front that I doubt I'll get an honest answer, but lets see where this goes. I'll also state up front that I'm not sure I'm even asking the question correctly, but hey, its worth a shot.

First, over my life I've done different jobs like sheet rocking, painting, etc. and I've found that when I do that for a living, I don't like coming home and doing it at home (think of the phrase, the Cobbler's children have no shoes).

Which leads me to my question. Since your job is to have sex with guys, how does that interfere with your personal, real world life? Just like I didn't want to to come home from a painting job and paint the kitchen, do you come home and still have sex? Or has being a sex worker changed your view and possible enjoyment?

I'm seriously asking because I have a SB who is also a sex worker and I seriously want her to enjoy sex when we have it. So I'm curious as to how the sex industry affects your personal enjoyment of sex.

Since this a personal question, feel free to answer via PM.

thanks a bunch!
LindseyLacey's Avatar
I like the pragmatic approach...
this is what worked for me when I had daytime clients...
and added a sugar daddy arrangement...
(real world relationship)
there was excellent chemistry...
He asked me what I would like to make sure that I would enjoy myself...
I answered his question...
I asked him the same thing...
He answered my question...
we treated it like a business arrangement...
had a business meeting...
put details in writing...
he made sure that I was making more per hour than clients were paying...
new vehicle every my name...
x vacations per year...
and more...
including the details of ending the arrangement...

How does this business affect personal enjoyment you ask?

Aphrodisiac...Hedy stuff...

Live the fantasy...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-01-2019, 01:16 AM
Call me naive but, A SB relationship is not the same as a RW relationship. When the $ runs out, it's over. It's more of a business transaction with compensation
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Call me naive but, A SB relationship is not the same as a RW relationship. When the $ runs out, it's over. It's more of a business transaction with compensation Originally Posted by BLM69
I agree....
SB is just there for the money and benefits. How many SB's will stay around when the when the Cash Cow stops giving Milk? A real SO will go thru what ever you go thru together and put in to make that "Real World" relationship work even if the other is struggling.

On the other hand:
SD tells SB that he just lost his job and can't afford her anymore. SB moves on and WILL NOT help SD get back on his feet, pay his bills or compensate without payment.
Not a RW relationship.
Massagejunkyie69's Avatar
LOL, so this conversation took a little turn. No problem.

But I guess the real question for the ladies is:
Does having sex with guys all day long mess up your real world sex life? I mean you fuck all day, get home around 6, fix dinner, the hubby comes up to you and tries to get a little something after dinner or even that evening. Do you say, "Yes, I'm horny as fuck! or do you say, My pussy is sore, I'm tired, I have a headache and I need to rest. maybe in the morning baby."
Ha Yea it did take a turn but i would like to the answer to that question.
johnclark's Avatar
get home around 6, fix dinner, Originally Posted by Massagejunkyie69

You sexist asshole.
Being a sex worker has changed sex for me definitely...I rarely give myself to anyone for free or for nothing ...and I see nothing wrong with that imo...we should all want to have people in our lives that value ...including the monetary type.

I’ve had rw relationships while doing this and it’s very difficult unless the person at home is very understanding and sensitive to what’s happening

For me I never wanted to go straight home and suck and fuck after just getting paid to.

I always desired a different level of intimacy that does lead to sex but is a slower pace leading up to a hooker I wanted things in a relationship that I couldn’t get from the hobby ...

Currently I don’t date...I’m just too honest for it ...I don’t hide what I do ...and have no idea why civilians think this is something they must save you from but it’s not imo .and most have no idea what it would take financially to never see another client and they couldn’t financially support you so there you go
I don't feel it hurts my personal sex life at all! Of course the reason I'm even here is due to a very high sex drive. I'm going to list why I feel it doesn't affect my personal life.
1. This isn't my job. I have a rw job and THAT I don't feel like doing at home.
2. Staying low volume. I never over Do it. Get to the point where I don't feel like being affectionate or sexual to the man I'm actually in love with.
This is fun and when it's not then your doing it wrong imo. I can have 1 appt a day and be completely satisfied but this isn't my lifeline financially either.
3. I get to dress up, role play, fetish play. Do things to people my so isn't comfortable with so that is another reason I love this.
4. The less money I ask my SO for the happier he is bahaha a girl has to shop! And shopping makes me horny LOL
5. I don't go out and party club days are over but I still enjoy living.

Hope that helps
Samhyde's Avatar
So if you do have RW relationships while providing, does the guy get to play around too?

@Kim or Ana
I try to do my best to satisfy his every desire. But if he decides to play outside our relationship I'm Ok about it. I don't believe people were meant for monogamous relationships. Now would I prefer him to see a provider yes. Your getting your need met and moving on. Dating another woman ehhhh we are married so no I don't think I would appreciate that. People don't own people. You can't love someone without letting them be free to make their own choices. Again my opinion. This part of my life is something I keep to myself and whatever he does is his business. We both know but to not let the green monster show we keep things private.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-02-2019, 05:08 PM
Interesting different answers from women who get paid 4 play, I can tell you women one thing that's 100% true, if a man is ok with you women doing this for $. He's just along for the ride, whatever that might be, it might be a getting off ride, A $ ride or something else

This doesn't mean you can't be happy as Kim is, different people tolerate different things. Everyone is different about this. I won't get any deeper into this subject, I don't want to get the women wound up who might disagree with my views
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Being a sex worker has changed sex for me definitely...I rarely give myself to anyone for free or for nothing ...and I see nothing wrong with that imo...we should all want to have people in our lives that value ...including the monetary type.

I’ve had rw relationships while doing this and it’s very difficult unless the person at home is very understanding and sensitive to what’s happening

For me I never wanted to go straight home and suck and fuck after just getting paid to.

I always desired a different level of intimacy that does lead to sex but is a slower pace leading up to a hooker I wanted things in a relationship that I couldn’t get from the hobby ...

Currently I don’t date...I’m just too honest for it ...I don’t hide what I do ...and have no idea why civilians think this is something they must save you from but it’s not imo .and most have no idea what it would take financially to never see another client and they couldn’t financially support you so there you go Originally Posted by Analeese
Are you saying that you can't separate regular sex from paid sex? You just prefer to get paid for sex period?
I'm a great cook.
I'm a great fuck.
They are both done with passion.

Do I get tired of cooking? Hell yes....but all induced by me as I get to many dishes going....and wear myself out.
Same with sex....if I overdo it ...a break is in order.

To answer the OPs question directly.... I don't have an SO now, but played on Ashley Madison during my prev marriage (reason below).

Good Sex doesn't mean taking the time to bang's a recipe of many complicated ingredients.

I could have had all the playtime with my SO I wanted, but there was no spice in the recipe.

Bottom line....kick up the spice and she will try it out...tired or not.
Massagejunkyie69's Avatar

I appreciate the honest responses. Sex between 2 people that love each other (as opposed to lusts each other) is very complicated. Its been said that the most erotic organ in the entire body is the brain.

I love to bust a nut just like any other red-blooded American male , but I've also matured enough to know that if you want a relationship to last for more than 2 pops, there's got to be a lot more involved, which in turns either adds to, or detracts from the spices.

thanks again babes, for the honest responses.