I would say that as a history major of 20th century Europe that Biden comes off as something closer to Hitler than Trump. Prior to Hitler, there was lawlessness rampant across Germany. The Friekorps would move from town to town taking over the government. People would be robbed, maidens deflowered, and general mayhem was the result. The people turned to someone who said that they would cause it to stop. Now Biden is not a dynamic personality like Hitler but his campaign promised the same result. The violence would end if Hitler was elected. Hitler did make a lot of vague promises about doing something for the children of Germany. Now if you're trying to say that Trump is like Hitler, I'll remind you that the situation facing this country happened AFTER Trump was elected and it was caused by the left. Does this mean that you're accepting that Hitler was left wing?
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
First the funny. You should stop with the "so you're saying" shit. Get your head checked. Or your ears. You are hearing things. Damn! You can't stop.
Next - it happened as a reaction to the previous president. Some perceived Obama to be so far left, we got a crazy far-right nationalist idiot as an outcry. You're pretty fuckin' dumb sailor. Hence the Idiocracy graphic making fun of you.
I really don't think you're THAT dumb. Judging from your writing, and knowledge of history, you know a lot. But your interpretations make you a nitwit. Sir.