36,000 dead because of deep state

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There are idiots out there that like to say that Trump killed people but like I said, they are idiots. However, the FDA and deep state did kill 36,000 Americans this last couple of weeks by not acting when they should have. Vaccines are ready to be sent out but the FDA has to approve. Two weeks ago, the FDA scheduled an "emergency" meeting to be held in two weeks. People dying daily and the FDA did their usual business and were not going to be rushed by any crisis. 10 days, no research to complete, no witnesses to be listened to, all they had to do with read the reports and look at the research findings. Then it is a binary choice; approve or not approve. Five other countries approved the vaccines and started buying them up for their own use and that includes millions of doses from the US for use in places like England. Now our manufacturers are saying they're good for now but there will be a delay while they restock.
This has zero to do with Trump as the FDA members were chosen by Obama. To fire them now would not help and only draw howls of protest from the media and democrats who, by the way, are refusing to condemn the slow walk by the FDA. For you Biden supporters, this is how Joe handled the H1N1 crisis back in 2009. Eight years to develop a vaccine in those days, eight months under Trump.
Ripmany's Avatar
It Trump vaccine thay want to weight and make it biden vaccine. Buy have a Chinese knock off that don't even work like every thing else made in china.
Well, as much as I would like to agree with you, vaccines don't really work that fast. I think the first two companies with covid vaccines need 2 doses to get immunity. So two shots about 30 days apart, and then another 30 days for full immunity to be built up. You do have a point it probably caused more deaths, but can't really go by the numbers in the 3 to 7 days you used as realistic. Still looking at 60 to 80 days for the vaccines to really work.

There are idiots out there that like to say that Trump killed people but like I said, they are idiots. However, the FDA and deep state did kill 36,000 Americans this last couple of weeks by not acting when they should have. Vaccines are ready to be sent out but the FDA has to approve. Two weeks ago, the FDA scheduled an "emergency" meeting to be held in two weeks. People dying daily and the FDA did their usual business and were not going to be rushed by any crisis. 10 days, no research to complete, no witnesses to be listened to, all they had to do with read the reports and look at the research findings. Then it is a binary choice; approve or not approve. Five other countries approved the vaccines and started buying them up for their own use and that includes millions of doses from the US for use in places like England. Now our manufacturers are saying they're good for now but there will be a delay while they restock.
This has zero to do with Trump as the FDA members were chosen by Obama. To fire them now would not help and only draw howls of protest from the media and democrats who, by the way, are refusing to condemn the slow walk by the FDA. For you Biden supporters, this is how Joe handled the H1N1 crisis back in 2009. Eight years to develop a vaccine in those days, eight months under Trump. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That all may be true, or not, but the FDA intentionally lost 10 days and that equates to lives lost for what...bureaucracy? Think of Pearl Harbor and 911, the powers that be, the ones that have to respond to the threat decide they need 10 days before they meet. Idiots! Business does not work that way. If a major company realizes that they are going under because of economic fluctuation, they will be at that table early, really early the next morning. I hope that it is true that Pence threatened to fire the head of the FDA if he didn't light a fire under their asses.
  • oeb11
  • 12-12-2020, 07:46 AM
TRUMP VACCINE - Danger Danger Danger DPST's

do not get the Trump Vaccine - it also causes common sense, conservative thinking, and a ralistic understanding of teh world at large.

anathema to DPST's and Dumb as a bag of hammers leaders like AOC, her squad, Bernie, Fudge, Abrams, and the corrupt biden crime family!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Only 36000 ? ^^ True that , what will they do ??????????????????? And not to correct but its the China Biddenns crime family , remember Made in China 2025 ?
matchingmole's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TRUMP VACCINE - Danger Danger Danger DPST's

do not get the Trump Vaccine - it also causes common sense, conservative thinking, and a ralistic understanding of teh world at large.

anathema to DPST's and Dumb as a bag of hammers leaders like AOC, her squad, Bernie, Fudge, Abrams, and the corrupt biden crime family!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Only 36000 ? ^^ True that , what will they do ??????????????????? And not to correct but its the China Biddenns crime family , remember Made in China 2025 ? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Where UC1 UC2
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TRUMP VACCINE - Danger Danger Danger DPST's

do not get the Trump Vaccine - it also causes common sense, conservative thinking, and a ralistic understanding of teh world at large.

anathema to DPST's and Dumb as a bag of hammers leaders like AOC, her squad, Bernie, Fudge, Abrams, and the corrupt biden crime family!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Only 36000 ? ^^ True that , what will they do ??????????????????? And not to correct but its the China Biddenns crime family , remember Made in China 2025 ? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Where UC1 UC2

Batman and Robin.
Laurel and Hardy.
Jack and Diane.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-12-2020, 10:36 AM
I thought most Trumpers weren't getting the vaccine because of lack of trust in the government.

Plus I thought you were giving Trump credit for getting it out so fast. Isn't Trump the one to blame on this delay then?
winn dixie's Avatar
I thought most Trumpers weren't getting the vaccine because of lack of trust in the government.

Plus I thought you were giving Trump credit for getting it out so fast. Isn't Trump the one to blame on this delay then? Originally Posted by WTF
Didnt know bubbles could type.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I see senility is catching; Harris, Behar, and other democrats have said that they will not get the vaccine. Care to show a republican saying, I WILL NOT GET THE VACCINE BECAUSE I DON'T TRUST TRUMP. Has to be that quote. Some people, like myself, don't get vaccines because we're careful. I haven't had the flu in almost ten years because I don't touch my face and wash my hands. See someone coming towards me coughing and I stop breathing. Before I inhale, I blow out to clear the air in front of me. So show us all a republican publicly not getting the vaccine because of Trump. Or admit that you're a liar and go away.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Lots of people aren't trusting the vaccine, regardless of which football team they like.
  • Tiny
  • 12-12-2020, 08:28 PM
You can give the Trump Administration, Pfizer and Moderna credit for coming up with two extremely effective vaccines, and the capability to manufacture and distribute large quantities of the vaccines, much faster than anyone thought possible. Looking back at this a few years from now, we'll see the heroes involved in this effort didn't just avoid an incremental 36,000 deaths. They will have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

The combination of speed to market and efficacy we're seeing with the first two vaccines out of the box would not occurred without mRNA technology, which some posters here condemned as unproven and dangerous.

These vaccines appear to be as effective in older people as in young ones. This is important because there are a lot of yahoos out there, including 37% who replied to gnadfly's poll, who say they won't get vaccinated under any circumstances. You don't have to vaccinate 90% of the population so that the elderly won't get the disease.

So did the Trump administration do a better job on this than a Hillary Clinton administration would have? I'd argue yes.

From https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-pfi...o-11607740483:

To assemble its mRNA production network, Pfizer used its own money and didn’t take any from the federal government. Executives said they didn’t want to give agencies outside the FDA more leverage over the design of the trials.

Rival Moderna, which took funding from a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, suffered a three-week delay in completing its own mRNA trial after federal officials there asked the company to slow down enrollment to boost the racial and ethnic diversity of study subjects.

What kind of bull shit is that? A three week delay, and by Barleycorn's calculations tens of thousands of deaths, to boost ethnic diversity in a vaccine trial that regardless would have included tens of thousands of people of all races and ethnicities? And how much worse would that have that been with Hillary in charge? Instead of 3 weeks delay I bet you'd be looking at 3 months.

That's not to say that Trump didn't fuck up hugely in the way he encouraged people to behave irresponsibly through this epidemic. But you have to give his Administration credit for Operation Warp Speed.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There are idiots out there that like to say that Trump killed people but like I said, they are idiots. However, the FDA and deep state did kill 36,000 Americans this last couple of weeks by not acting when they should have. Vaccines are ready to be sent out but the FDA has to approve. Two weeks ago, the FDA scheduled an "emergency" meeting to be held in two weeks. People dying daily and the FDA did their usual business and were not going to be rushed by any crisis. 10 days, no research to complete, no witnesses to be listened to, all they had to do with read the reports and look at the research findings. Then it is a binary choice; approve or not approve. Five other countries approved the vaccines and started buying them up for their own use and that includes millions of doses from the US for use in places like England. Now our manufacturers are saying they're good for now but there will be a delay while they restock.
This has zero to do with Trump as the FDA members were chosen by Obama. To fire them now would not help and only draw howls of protest from the media and democrats who, by the way, are refusing to condemn the slow walk by the FDA. For you Biden supporters, this is how Joe handled the H1N1 crisis back in 2009. Eight years to develop a vaccine in those days, eight months under Trump. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I see senility is catching; Harris, Behar, and other democrats have said that they will not get the vaccine. Care to show a republican saying, I WILL NOT GET THE VACCINE BECAUSE I DON'T TRUST TRUMP. Has to be that quote. Some people, like myself, don't get vaccines because we're careful. I haven't had the flu in almost ten years because I don't touch my face and wash my hands. See someone coming towards me coughing and I stop breathing. Before I inhale, I blow out to clear the air in front of me. So show us all a republican publicly not getting the vaccine because of Trump. Or admit that you're a liar and go away. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Lauren Boebert Talks Oil And Gas, The Affordable Care Act And Carrying A Gun At The Capitol


LB: First of all, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who is on the front lines, taking care of this. These —

RW: I don't know if they're going to believe the gratitude when they hear that you want to reopen the economy.

LB: Okay, well, I am grateful for them, and they've definitely signed up for an industry where this is a possibility. They have signed up to be on the front lines, and that's why we call them heroes, but our suicide rates are high. Our depression rates are high. Our children are home. We cannot go on living like this under these shutdowns. I think we'd follow CDC guidelines and we follow them safely and responsibly and we get opened.

RW: Will you take the vaccine?

LB: I have not decided on that. My husband and I, my children, we are all vaccinated and that's our personal choice. Government never mandated us to be vaccinated with anything. At this time, I don't see that we are in a class of people that need the vaccination. We are healthy. We're young. I am against any sort of government-mandated vaccination. That's not the proper role of government to force injections of any kind in anyone.

Getting around the rules to carry at the Capitol? She sounds like a bimbo. Babies and guns on the floor. Wow! Progress.

Originally Posted by matchingmole