I'm a gun guy and this one doesn't sit well with me. "Removing" the serial number, not owning a gun without a S/N. I've got a dozen guns i've made myself, from legally purchased materials and 3d printed stuff. As it sits now, i can make the gun, i can own the gun, i can not legally sell the gun. If i want to sell it, it's gotta get a S/N and go to an FFL to be recorded. No problems with any of that. But i'm of the mind, the only reason to REMOVE the s/n from a gun is to hide it's history or prevent future documentation. In this case, he's an Ex-Felon and not supposed to own it legally anyway, so he's done anyway.
Originally Posted by sand247
Then write the law to cover intent. If someone is building a kit gun for fun or owns a family heirloom then write so they get a pass. If someone is REMOVING serial numbers then it is highly probable that they are up to no good. Write the law with that in mind. Probably with democrats is that they see all guns as the same.