"Post wall" meaning they have aged (physically) past the point of no return ("the wall") where they are no longer attractive/appealing to most men. Typically mid 40s-ish for most women although can be sooner or later depending on lifestyle and genetics
Originally Posted by GuyEatingRice
It is all about what you feel the ROI is. For most guys, among other things, the two biggest factors are her looks (no matter what her price is, why would he pay a donation for a provider who he is not physically attracted to?) and her TCB/BCD skills from first hand experience or multiple reviews showing consistency one way or another.
Thanks to the coddling of PPM providers over the years, most of the ladies believe that they can be fat, out of shape, have no curves in the right place and have little to no effort put in BCD to not only be in business, but also obtain top dollar as well.
God forbid when a guy provides intel on a not so good experience he had, be it BCD or in communications or both, or if he thinks a provider is not attractive to him. The go along to get along thing to do is to just stay silent or give a public opinion that is not true rather than face the wrath of providers or even from other guys.