Islam - The Religion of Peace

Pink Floyd's Avatar
They were hunting Christians. Wait for the backlash against those extremists by Muslim groups. It will be underwhelming.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-22-2013, 11:19 AM
They were hunting Christians. Wait for the backlash against those extremists by Muslim groups. It will be underwhelming. Originally Posted by gnadfly

The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted," said witness Elijah Kamau who was shopping in the mall..

guess if you're not a Muslim ya gotta be a Christian ... in your case ya gotta be a dumb ass.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Amazing story, thanks for posting it and letting us know. I hadn't heard about it.
The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted," said witness Elijah Kamau who was shopping in the mall..

guess if you're not a Muslim ya gotta be a Christian ... in your case ya gotta be a dumb ass. Originally Posted by CJ7

Stupidshit CBJ, yes, the vast majority of the people are Christians. Not exclusively but then again you don't do well with reasoning.

More quibbling by quisling CBJ7.
The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted," said witness Elijah Kamau who was shopping in the mall..

guess if you're not a Muslim ya gotta be a Christian ... in your case ya gotta be a dumb ass. Originally Posted by CJ7
Explain WTF you are trying to say...
The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted," said witness Elijah Kamau who was shopping in the mall..

guess if you're not a Muslim ya gotta be a Christian ... in your case ya gotta be a dumb ass. Originally Posted by CJ7
I would say "Quit playing dumb", but I don't think you are playing.

"Non-Muslim" is the politically correct way for the press to avoid saying "Christians". That sounds a little too genocidal.

The Wiki link says that 11% of Kenyans are Muslims and 83% are Christian. The other 6% are neither. So, once the Muslims were removed, about 14 out of every 15 (6 vs. 83) of the potential victims were Christian.

Are you really going to hang your hat on the other 6% to try to prove they were not after Christians?

You know who they were targeting just as much the rest of us do.
Explain WTF you are trying to say... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
He is trying to avoid giving Christians victim status.

In the middle of an obviously religious attack.
Reports coming out may be Americans with the shooters.
Reports coming out may be Americans with the shooters. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Rports also indicate a white British woman known as the White Widow may be one of the attackers. She was married to one of the dead 7/7 bombing terrorists.

If true, one can only hope she dies slowly and painfully.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-22-2013, 05:18 PM
I would say "Quit playing dumb", but I don't think you are playing.

"Non-Muslim" is the politically correct way for the press to avoid saying "Christians". That sounds a little too genocidal.

The Wiki link says that 11% of Kenyans are Muslims and 83% are Christian. The other 6% are neither. So, once the Muslims were removed, about 14 out of every 15 (6 vs. 83) of the potential victims were Christian.

Are you really going to hang your hat on the other 6% to try to prove they were not after Christians?

You know who they were targeting just as much the rest of us do. Originally Posted by ExNYer

read the article ... they went in and started killing people before they decided to send the muslims home ... sorta tells me they didn't give a fuck who or what they killed at first so that more or less leaves out the hunt for Christians doesn't it?

Religious Beliefs. The population is 38 percent Protestant and 28 percent Roman Catholic. Twenty-six percent are animist, 7 percent are Muslim, and 1 percent follow other religions. Many people incorporate traditional beliefs into their practice of Christianity, causing some tension between Kenyans and Christian churches, particularly on the issue of polygamy. Religious practices of different ethnic groups vary, but one common element is the belief in a spirit world inhabited by the souls of ancestors. The Kikuyu and several other groups worship the god Ngai, who is said to live on top of Mount Kenya

Read more:
read the article ... they went in and started killing people before they decided to send the muslims home ... sorta tells me they didn't give a fuck who or what they killed at first so that more or less leaves out the hunt for Christians doesn't it? Originally Posted by CJ7
No, it doesn't.

Keeping reading. You will eventually get to the part where Al Shahaab started tweeting about killing in revenge for the deaths of Muslims when Kenya helped defeat Muslim extremists in Somalia.

And your statement doesn't square with this article:

Here is what Al-Shabaab had to say:

Al-Shabaab, al Qaeda's proxy in Somalia, claimed responsibility, and said it was not backing down. In a message on its Twitter feed, the group said "all Muslims" were escorted from the mall before the attack.

They targeted a luxury mall that is popular among Western expatriates and wealthier Kenyans. That means they were targeting non-Muslims.

All because they wanted revenge for Kenya helping to defeat Al Qaeda:

Since Kenya launched attacks against Al-Shabaab in Somalia in 2011, the group has hurled grenades at Kenyan churches, bus stops and other public places.
Last year, the Kenyan military played a major role in handing Al-Shabaab forces a defeat when as part of a peacekeeping mission, they liberated the key Somali port of Kismayo.
The attack Saturday targeted a popular weekend meeting spot. Kenyans and expatriates gather at the luxurious Westgate Shopping Mall on weekends to drink lattes, catch a movie or browse through the more than 80 stores.

Did you catch that part about hurling grenades at churches?

I don't understand why you keep denying or downplaying the bleeding obvious. Did you bet money on them or something?
I B Hankering's Avatar
read the article ... they went in and started killing people before they decided to send the muslims home ... sorta tells me they didn't give a fuck who or what they killed at first so that more or less leaves out the hunt for Christians doesn't it?

Religious Beliefs. The population is 38 percent Protestant and 28 percent Roman Catholic. Twenty-six percent are animist, 7 percent are Muslim, and 1 percent follow other religions. Many people incorporate traditional beliefs into their practice of Christianity, causing some tension between Kenyans and Christian churches, particularly on the issue of polygamy. Religious practices of different ethnic groups vary, but one common element is the belief in a spirit world inhabited by the souls of ancestors. The Kikuyu and several other groups worship the god Ngai, who is said to live on top of Mount Kenya

Read more: Originally Posted by CJ7
Better get your tax dollars back, CBJ7. The CIA isn't supporting your miserable, deflecting POV.

CIA World Factbook: Kenya --

Christian 82.5% (Protestant 47.4%, Catholic 23.3%, other 11.8%), Muslim 11.1%, Traditionalists 1.6%, other 1.7%, none 2.4%, unspecified 0.7% (2009 census)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-22-2013, 05:36 PM
it squares up with the article in the op ..

"A casual morning at the mall today turned into a siege of terror for unsuspecting shoppers in Nairobi, Kenya, when attackers dressed in black and wearing facemasks and vests loaded with grenades sprayed the unsuspecting crowds with bullets from AK-47s.
"They just came in and threw a grenade. We were running and they opened fire. They were shouting and firing," said Jay Patel who was on an upper floor of the mall when the shooting began.
Frightened shoppers fled the mall crying and clutching their small children. At one point mall guards used shopping carts to wheel out wounded children.
The gunmen were still holed up in the mall late this evening, along with an unknown number of hostages"

had they been hunting Christians exclusively, they wouldn't have killed the first people in sight.
Religious Beliefs. The population is 38 percent Protestant and 28 percent Roman Catholic. Twenty-six percent are animist, 7 percent are Muslim, and 1 percent follow other religions. Many people incorporate traditional beliefs into their practice of Christianity, causing some tension between Kenyans and Christian churches, particularly on the issue of polygamy. Religious practices of different ethnic groups vary, but one common element is the belief in a spirit world inhabited by the souls of ancestors. The Kikuyu and several other groups worship the god Ngai, who is said to live on top of Mount Kenya

Read more: Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, I don't trust your cherry picked numbers trying to inflate the animist population. I think the original citation and IBhankering's numbers below are more accurate.

CIA World Factbook: Kenya --

Christian 82.5% (Protestant 47.4%, Catholic 23.3%, other 11.8%), Muslim 11.1%, Traditionalists 1.6%, other 1.7%, none 2.4%, unspecified 0.7% (2009 census) Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Al-Shabaab knows who they were after, even if you don't CJ7.