If you guys haven't been watching this filibuster, you've got to tune in. He is crushing every single person that trys to come up in defense of obamacare.
I'm watching richard durbin LIE THROUGH HIS FUCKING TEETH. Our premiums went up by more than a grand a month with a 12,000 deductible. They fucking got us through the deductible. I hadn't even thought of that until we were saddled with it. We dropped all coverage. I can't wait to go to jail over this. I REFUSE TO BUY SOMETHING TO LIVE HERE.
Cruz is outstanding. Patriots, support him by watching. He's fighting for US right this very second.
Oh please haters... come on... give me all you've got. You can't put even a scratch on me tonight. It doesn't matter if we lose. The odds don't matter anymore. It's fight or die and all you tiny dems and repubs can suck eggs. I'm done with all of you.