Hanging up my stilettos

Well, as we all know, there comes a time to move on and take a leap of faith.

Anyone that knows me, I have been transitioning the past year or so. And I have finally decided to hang up my stilettos and finally persue my dream.

So as of April 1st, I am no longer accepting dates. I will be missing you. I will keep an account here for a bit to continue some amazing friendships I have made.

If we have seen one another, I do hope you keep in contact (I might make an exception for a fun date). But I am no longer in the biz.

Stay safe, Have Fun and watch out for one another.


Best of luck to you in your new direction of life. May you have the best of success in your leap of faith!
Thank you darling. And best wishes for you keeping this crowd in check )

I am always easy to get ahold of should the need arise.

Dearest Ms. Nash:

2017 appears to be a year of endings... Ladies that can attain greater personal heights are seizing their moments, unlike certain individuals when you say Goodbye it's truly that Goodbye. Gentleman if you have missed her it is your loss, Ms. Nash is not going to reappear again with a New Name and Different Location. You
Ms. Nash are a CLASSIC the Hobby is going to find itself hard put in attempting to discover a replacement for your Chic Style and Sophistication.

With Love and Respect,
It was a pleasure speaking to you and sorry I won't get the chance to meet you in June. Good luck on your future endeavors.
Best of luck Addison . You were definitely on my bucket list . Live long and prosper and I hope your best dreams come true !
Best of luck to you in your future endeavors!!