Activities in ROS

What does it accomplish putting activities in the ROS? Is there some safety afforded to you by the ROS section I do not appreciate?

IF, you are doing something illegal and IF, you think you are exposing yourself to some legal woe by documenting it in the review summary section, THEN you better leave it out of the ROS as well.

Another favorite of mine is the "I had this dream" pretense of some reviews. People are sent to jail every day with WAY less incriminating evidence than that of your own written admission.

Apply that logic to being interrogated for a crime by the police. Start out an admission of guilt with "I had this dream" and see if your argument in court that it never happened keeps you breathing free air.
myren1900's Avatar
The main reason for the limit access to the ROS is part of the business model. By requiring Premium Access membership to read it, Eccie gets a revenue from paying PA members or gets more reviews from members who posts reviews to keep their PA. Many hobby sites have similar arrangements.

Note that donations are no longer posted in the reviews. It is not illegal for consenting adults to have sex. Only if anything of value is exchanged as payment for sexual acts.

So the reviews are just entertaining stories, and we can hope that our experience with the same woman will be similar if we manage to arrange a date with her as well.

Understood. My comment was that while there is a place to put activities where they are visible to non-premium members, some elect to only put them in the ROS.

In the activities section they put “see ros”

One conclusion is that they may think this allows them some protection.
myren1900's Avatar
True, I have seen that as well, mostly for AMP reviews. I think the idea is that leaving it in the ROS may protect the AMP girl from letting management and LE know about exact BCD activities.

I am sure LE has PA, but AMP owners may not.