Reviews for Discounts

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
More than one lady has contacted me lately about a certain hobbyist trying to get steep discounts in exchange for reviews. It seems this hobbyist tells the gals he's up the ladder here and a good word from him will make the gal "the flavor of the month".

Ladies, you most certainly are allowed to give discounts as you please. But trust me there ain't no one here (especially the used condum I'm talking about) that has enough pull.

I will not disclose the hobbyist even in PM because the low class bull shit he's pulling is not technically against any rules.

shorty's Avatar
I say you should at least put his name on the ladies infoshare. This way the ladies can make the judgement call on whether or not to give him a discount.
I think if us girls are smart we wont discount our body for someone because he is up the ladder I know I wont be doing that!!!!