Keep Review "Facts" Accurate

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Now folks we all know everything written on these boards is just erotic fiction. And virtually every hobbyist has ventured off into fantasy land a bit far from time to time. We're all studs; every gal has multiple bells with us; gals will do things for us that she won't do for others.

But please try and keep the pretend activities that took place in line. If in your fictional story she said, "Next time I'll stand on my head and whistle dixie," that means it MIGHT (but probably won't) happen next time. It doesn't belong in the current review. If in prior stories she took a drag on a cigarette and blew smoke out her nose but now she says it ain't on the menu, refrain from dropping it in your story.

When fiction gets too off course, it causes trouble for the lady. She has to deal with the next sixteen guys asking for or expecting things that just ain't gonna happen.

Now if in your venture into literature she does perform something that's not for "everyone", take pride in that but consider keeping it to yourself. The oh so popular, "She baked ME cookies, but YMMV," is a cop out.

Ladies, please make sure you remind the gents if something needs to be omitted. If you don't want the fact you rode in on an elephant mentioned, TELL US. We hobbyists are not always very bright. If you have a tattoo of Montana on your back and don't want it revealed, remind us that it's a dead giveaway to your identity. And if you DO add something special to the menu (even if it's a la cart) be kind enough to tell us, "Don't tell anyone about this." Gents, exercise your judgment if the omitted activity would make the review misleading. There's NO rule against being accurate as long as it doesn't endanger the gal.

MuffinMan's Avatar
I swear, HID...she ONLY brought the goat that one time and I never-ever told anybody else it was her un-advertised PSE session!!

Sheeze....can't a guy catch a break!! lol
Good one Horn i Dog!
I must admit I have done some things to others that I have not always done or infact things that I have only done once and prob wont ever do again, also I am glad you posted this because I have changed my menu this year... gents please check it out and if I say I don't do it, please dont try to do it or come see me for cheaper than what my new rate on greek tour is! Remember this is my business so I do make the rules!
Btw Muff, the goat says 'hi' & it misses you. Lmao