How far in advance do you book/prefer to be booked?

fun2come's Avatar
This is for Ladies and Gents.

I am trying to figure what is a/my sweet spot for booking LOCAL (Austin) ladies in advance.

Do you prefer to book or being booked in advance or on a short term notice?

Now, what would make this all the more valuable is to mention in a post what your cancel/reschedule ratio is when booking 3 or more days in advance versus less than 3 days.

NOT wanting to drift into NCNS'es debate here, really interested in the "mutual agreed reschedule for whatever reason" percentage.
I do not book anything over 2 days,,, only 2 Providers in the past 10+ years of me doing this were reliable enough for me to book 2-3 weeks out..

To many things can happen to both parties
fun2come's Avatar
Usually I like to book 1-2 days in advance, but have gone as far as 1 week in advance (and had a reschedule). Also had the I Want It Now urge...

When I book 3 or more days in advance, something came up on either side (>50%), so now I am at the shorter term booking and rescheduling happens less frequent, but still ~20% of the time.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
The norm is 1-2 days, but sometimes shorter due to work and available time. But never over 2 days. To much can happen. Plus I'm like a kid with a candy bar after the appointment is made, I want to eat it sooner rather than later!
I always book one day in advance. I have had some short notice bookings if my original failed.
Ideally, I prefer 3 +/- days notice due to RW commitments. I also can block out time prior to my appt. to get my head centered and in be in a sensual state-of-mind. Last minutes are hard to accommodate unless ALL the planets align...rare. I have had some book six weeks in advance and it worked out wonderfully.
If someone wants to have me available on a certain day - I will do my best to leave that time open to meet his scheduling constraints.
since my schedule is filled with the same regulars each month I need time to verify someone new and I like new people to book at least 3 to 4 days in advance. As for my regulars they usually booked 1 to 2 days in advance.
I have to book same day because I never know when I can sneak away to play.
Britttany_love's Avatar
A few hours in good for me if we have met before, you have been screened. If you need to be screened a day is good. I rarely will book more than a day or 2 as I have noticed that the chances of having to cancel go up.
manuatu's Avatar
24 hours of request, which falls I'm the 1-2 day window.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-25-2013, 06:25 PM
I've normally done a week, sometimes longer, in advance. Now that I'm "free-lancing" that might go down to 2-3 days notice. Still I'm talking a minimum 1-1 1/2 hour date due to the activities involved. My "spurt of the moment" urges have been confined to parties.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
I like a week out so i can get on the books before another gent. If it's a traveler, I may book more than a week out b/c she will advertise more than a week in advance.

Granted most of the time, if it's a local it's under a week...sometimes 1-2 days but the the question is about when i would like to be put on the books. About a week out to get the time/date slot that i want.
I always book at least a week before. In some cases I have booked several weeks in advance. I always request an afternoon or early evening and advise the lady to fit it in with her schedule. I prefer BCD time and dinner if we can do it. Hey I am an old goat and I get off having a lady on my arm. Some memorable occasions was a fantasy I had about picking up woman in a bar. Truly Passion and I set it up and it was fun.
I've a busy busy schedule and most weeks do not know when I'll have a block of time to hobby. I've found an ATF that I have stuck with over the years and first off, I adore her and spend most of my hobby time with her. We plan our dates sometimes a week out, since we usually enjoy acting out certain scenarios that requires preparation and planning. A LOT of fun. However, since we know each other so well, many times can be last minute, and this is the payoff for investing in a relationship over the years. Highly recommend it.

However, I do enjoy meeting a new lady now and then, and usually try to schedule a day in advance. Due to my schedule, I usually give a "window" of when I'll be available, such as "tomorrow afternoon between 2 and 4, will confirm that morning". This system seems to have worked well for my schedule. However lately I've had a spate of last minute cancellations, which can be a real downer when one is driving to an appointment with a priapism betwixt one's legs. I usually don't call back when that happens.
1kewlkat's Avatar
Often my work schedule changes unexpectedly, I tend book out a week or longer in advance, early morning, I am able to schedule around that hour or two of playtime with a favorite provider. For me the primary reason is I can schedule that window or half-day and make it unique for me because I am selfish creature. I am able to forget many of my other responsibilities, temporarily. When these plans go down the drain because the appointment gets canceled while you are en-route or almost to the front door can be extremely frustrating. There is always that elusive promise of that, we will make it up next time, that never happens and I wonder is it still worth investing my time and effort or should I just move on…

Short-term planning rarely works out, and for whatever reason the playtime seems rushed and that is something that I try to avoid.