Theres a jerk out there who goes by the name of Gatsby. He's here on eccie and also OH2. He claims to be a professional photographer. He's also known as the Tie Guy because he gets women to wear one of his neck ties for the photos. He invited me to his place in the colony over the weekend for a 3-hour outcall and tried to pay me with $900 of counterfeit money. When I confronted him about it he got extremely aggressive. Please be aware of this douchebag!!!
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 06-20-2024, 04:18 PM
Gatsby.Hobbyist? Ruh roh.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Gatsby is a wanna be pimp. His reviews with tie pics are either heavily embellished or he goes way over his time he paid for.

Hopefully, you put this alert is the provider only section here and especially OH2 where he is at looking for victims as well.
Ultimate Jessica's Avatar
I would definitely suggest you put this in the provider section on all sites for the ladies to be aware of. P411 should also be notified so that they too can take the steps they take when it comes to unsafe hobbiest, and providers.
Thank you for letting us know!
yourdesire's Avatar
Thank you
Thank you for the warning, this is what make she community so great.

Just a question to understand: do we have an ip address for this hobbiests? If not what is to prevent him from having multiple handles? For all we know he could already be on P411 under a different handle...
How would I get his IP address??
You can't, only mods can.
yourdesire's Avatar
If you're on a computer you might be able to ping his email address that might get hís IP for ya, my knowledge is very old so I could be mistaken
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
How would I get his IP address?? Originally Posted by Txblondie
You can't, only mods can. Originally Posted by FocusedGamer
Every time you post something anywhere on the internet, from any device, the IP address of that device is registered. You do not have to be a mod to see it, just a little bit of software skill.

There are going to be some guys and even providers who will stand up for Gatsby to the bitter end, probably the same providers who have never seen him or any other hobbyist in which they either defend or offend. I have no doubt he has done this to others, but they are afraid to report it for fear of being labeled by the in crowd.
There is an in-crowd here????
Every time you post something anywhere on the internet, from any device, the IP address of that device is registered. You do not have to be a mod to see it, just a little bit of software skill.

There are going to be some guys and even providers who will stand up for Gatsby to the bitter end, probably the same providers who have never seen him or any other hobbyist in which they either defend or offend. I have no doubt he has done this to others, but they are afraid to report it for fear of being labeled by the in crowd. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I reported it to the administrators of OH2. I won't mention any names on here but the douchebag already told me that he is really cool with the guy. Needless to say they weren't the least bit interested. They said since there was no witnesses it would be considered a he said she said incident. I then replied with yes there was the witness who is actually a provider on OH2. I won't mention her name but I guess she lives with the guy. I also have it recorded on video. I made sure to take out my phone and record a video while this was going on. Needless to say OH2 was not interested in reviewing the video. Pretty shitty. They should definitely prioritize the safety of all providers who use their platform.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I reported it to the administrators of OH2. I won't mention any names on here but the douchebag already told me that he is really cool with the guy. Needless to say they weren't the least bit interested. They said since there was no witnesses it would be considered a he said she said incident. I then replied with yes there was the witness who is actually a provider on OH2. I won't mention her name but I guess she lives with the guy. I also have it recorded on video. I made sure to take out my phone and record a video while this was going on. Needless to say OH2 was not interested in reviewing the video. Pretty shitty. They should definitely prioritize the safety of all providers who use their platform. Originally Posted by Txblondie
OH2 believes that there are some members who can do no wrong, even if it is outing, beating up someone or shorting providers money because they are "cool". And to the other extreme, some who can do nothing but wrong because they do not go along to get along, get a few people that follow them around online and report every post they make to see if they can get them points and definitely, if they do not like their opinion on a subject. I believe that Eccie is very similar in that regard. The only difference is, Eccie does not condone outing, no matter where the outing took place, other than that, it is all he said/she said and we come down to credibility and who the mods tends to believe that determines their actions/inactions, regardless of how blatant the offense was.

These platforms are suppose to be for fun, but we all know some people's fun has a different meaning. The fact of the matter is they ceased being fun years ago and are now more or less, for "cool kids" and then the majority of the members they have are lurkers. Did you ever notice that of the thousands of members, only a few handfuls do all the posting?

If you have the video proof of what he did, especially if he admits it in the video, then you are all set. The staff is not the hobby police, but you can let other providers know what he did to you by posting it in the provider only forums and sending each provider the video who requests it. But keep in mind, he is a welcome wagon stalker, those providers do not have access to the provider only forums, so he will probably continue to do what he does with no glitch in his system. As I said, he has probably done this to several providers but as you can tell, he is made of teflon when it comes to reporting him.
rosario2010's Avatar
He sound familiar to me many years ago
Call my phone over over
Name looks close to I’m reading
He say he was photographed
But I don’t like him take my pics so I decided to blocked him
He’s a stocker follow me all over internet
I’m sure is same guy
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Would not surprise me if multiple other providers come forward whom he as tried to be a pimp for, wanted free or deep discounted service, free extended time so he can do his tie pix or whatever. Unless of course, they have quit the business or no longer on the platforms, probably due to him.