why hello there eccie i am ever so pleased to finally be able to become a part of this community it has been hard process but i made it in!! i am currently as you'd say out of service and on sick leave even though i just joined lol i recently had cosmetic surgery done on the 12 of december and won't be able to meet anyone physically until after i recover witch should be in a month or two. so in the mean time i wanted to finally introduce myself and get acquainted with some if not all of you on here any words of advice or encouragement would be great appreciated and i look forward to engaging as many forums as i can!!! btw my name is BANESSA JUICES pleased to meet ya all
69Goat's Avatar
Likewise I am ever so pleased to be able to welcome you as a new part of this community. It's great to have you here. Hope you enjoy great success and happiness. You make a nice appearance.
terrier16973479's Avatar
May yor recovery go well, that your playing after that is fun, successful, and safe! You are lovely!
thanks guys i feel ever so welcomed already!!!