Attention: How many Providers Actually Check P411 ID's when Hobbyist Arrive's?

Checking Identification. Update 09.21.12

Your P411 Client Id is made up of small bits of "real" info that can be verified by the provider, by looking at a couple of pieces of identification carried in your wallet.

"John" is a name showing on your driver's license.
"01" is the DAY of birth showing on your driver's license.
"0000" are the last four digits on something you carry in your wallet.

I often recommend that gentlemen temporarily cover the other private information with tape or whiteout, leaving only the photo, matching name, and DAY of birth (on driver's license) and last four digits (on something in wallet) for the provider to check. Of course, it's always a good idea to let the provider know you are going to cover the other information, in case her personal policy would not allow for this.

If you schedule an appointment via P411 and upon arrival refuse to show identification to confirm you are the true account holder, please understand that your provider may exercise her right to refuse to see you. Also keep in mind that your provider has an obligation to report this to P411. Depending on the circumstances, P411 may suspend the account under which the appointment was made until the situation is resolved.

We have a terrible problem with people "sharing" client ids, sometimes to book appointments and sometimes to rip the provider off, or worse. These situations are becoming more common, and can be easily prevented if the provider takes a moment to confirm that the person before her has identification to match the client id.

I strongly encourage the ladies to check identification to make sure it matches the client id, and we are seeing more and more ladies following through, so be prepared! If your client id doesn't currently match your identification as indicated above, please contact us and we can fix it.

Attention: How many Providers Actually Check P411 ID when Hobbyist Arrive's? I am willing to bet if I asked the provider upon arrival, what my ID should be in my wallet, she would say: oh, i don't know, i didn't write it down. Just like some providers don't read the hobbyist BIO

This is your safe guard ladies, USE IT. How many really do check?

Also FYI, Providers can post special's pricing in the AD Boards section of P411 but, I have noticed some providers mention a special but fail to post the pricing for that special. Most post but some don't. just like some providers don't list all their activities on the bottom of their profile, most do but some don't. did ya'll know that hobbyists do a search by those activities in a certain area? ya'll might be losing out on business by not listing those activities. If I asked all Hobbyists, how many sessions required Matching P411 ID upon arrival, the answer would be ALARMING.

Hobby safe my friends,
Thanks for this info!
I check and when I do, I almost always hear the words, "Noone's ever asked for for my ID before..." I explain that it keeps me and the clients safe and the only one's who have been upset by my asking to see their ID were probably using a friends P-411 anyway. No ID,. no appointment.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Do you let the men know they need to bring in their ID?
pyramider's Avatar
I do not bring ID to an appointment.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
No. I don't check ID's when a new friend comes through the door. But also, with p411, I also tend to check other information as well.

I think that it's a great idea to check ID's, don't get me wrong. With my client base, I think many of them would walk back out the door if I asked to see their driver's license, even if they were old friends or very comfortable with seeing me.

Regardless of if they covered up a portion of it or not.

It's great to have good ideas about screening and p411 is an excellent option.

I know that I should, since I'm kindof an older member of this board, just jump on the band wagon and chant the ongoing mantra that we hear here over and over, "Screen" Screen. Screen", and then fuss at others when they post an alert and ALL anyone does is ask, "Well, did you screen"?

(Side note: It will ALWAYS piss me off when a lady has experienced some issues or found herself in trouble, posted about it and then she's piled on by not so well meaning comments and pummeled because she might not have screened as well as she should have!)

But I'm finding that these days that it's not that simplistic, if you want to keep food on the table.

I have friends who will not see someone if they do NOT show a complete driver's license. But I don't have that luxury right now.

I do a bunch of different things for screening: I ask questions. Create a dialogue. I check p411. Work numbers. Addresses and I'll check zip codes.

And I've made mistakes. Thankfully, I've never gone to jail but I've had my share of craziness at times. Not too many, but a few. We all have these.

When I hear of ladies who shout from the highest mountains (I'm not speaking of you Dharma, my friend) at how hard and tough they screen, my eyebrows always raise up.

The ones that bray the loudest about how fantastic their screening is are probably the ones who don't screen that well. At least at times. I've seen it too much to share otherwise.

By the way, you sure do seem to want to help the ladies in their business practices, CG. Nothing wrong with that.

Just don't judge too harshly those who might not follow your advice, regardless of how good it may be.

I would never carry my ID to the location, not anymore anyway. I have my face pic on P411, so that should be proof enough. Never had those issues, since obviously my face would match to who I am when I arrive there.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-23-2012, 09:39 AM
A couple issues -

Some clients (read: more than one or two) have talked to me about how their ID was "built"... That at the time, they didn't figure the data was of importance, so they made it up or gave something easy for them to remember. Proving identity with cards was going to be nearly impossible since they didn't build it with data there. Of course I suggested they contact 411 immediately and fix this... who knows if they did.

Another issue - IF guys are sharing "accounts and IDs"... and a lady is ONLY going on P411 alone... by the time the impostor has arrived at your door, the whole point of screening is moot. If you didn't want "crazymofo-a" to know where you are located, well shit, here he is.

The whole point of screening is to prevent people from coming into contact with you that you find undesirable or unsafe. While I love P411 as a great way to track someone's reputation, it is NOT the only thing I or anyone should ever use. Just one tool out of many.

Also, since I try to do more than just P411ID screening.. usually, hell, most of the time, I don't feel I need to ask for it. Those times are changing.
By the way, you sure do seem to want to help the ladies in their business practices, CG. Nothing wrong with that.

Just don't judge too harshly those who might not follow your advice, regardless of how good it may be.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
EW, as always I respect and value your input. I don't judge anyone who don't follow my advice but, you are correct when you say that i seem to want to HELP the ladies. I do want to help any lady that wants to stay safe and make a living in a dangerous profession. There are 520 alert threads and not 1 of them followed P411 screening suggestions. If they did, the alerts would be a fraction of what it is now. IMHO, Alerts should have a requirement before posting. P411 screening.

I want ALL ladies to know that I have NO problem showing My P411 info required. There will be tape on personal info but not the info you need from P411. Also I have noticed that some ladies will use their roommates or girlfriends P411 to screen new clients. This is not allowed, and only creates problems when the client wants an OK and gets an OK from someone that he has not even seen.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Gina will be the FIRST to tell others (I know this because I've read what she's written) that having p411 screening isn't the Golden Calf of screening methods. And the best method is a combination of what makes a lady feel comfortable.

There are a BUNCH of men who don't have p411. Heck, most of my BEST clients might know of ECCIE but it's just not their thing. Neither is p411.

So are we to not visit with those great guys because they don't want their information out there?

This thought isn't aimed at you, CG, but the truth is the majority of men out there who are seeing escorts could give a rat's butt about p411 or ECCIE, etc. They want their cock played with and sucked. Or kissed. Or they want a warm, naked body close to them to play with. THEN, they want to go home, or to work, and not have another thought about it. Until the next time they want to mess around.

And it's important for those of us who don't rely on sex boards to be open to other methods of getting to know someone.

To suggest that we ONLY use p411, or to not see someone if he doesn't have it, is really naive and would be very poor business advice.
To suggest that we ONLY use p411, or to not see someone if he doesn't have it, is really naive and would be very poor business advice. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I NEVER suggested or implyed this.
You have to have P411 for this thread to even pertain to you.
This info is for P411 Members ONLY.

Side Note: If you don't have Eccie & P411, you most likely are not reading this and have a very different comfort level as well as a security level to deal with. I wish you luck. From what I read, Ya'll are willing to BEND the rules, take on a little more RISK, to get more business? I think I get it

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I NEVER suggested or implyed this.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Which is why I made the disclaimer, in the paragraph above, that my thoughts weren't aimed at you.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
I use P411 100% of the time to make 1st contact...and if I get an OK without seeing that they "Tracked" me on tells me: They're not takin' care o' bidness...and they're are too many fish in the sea to deal with bad TCB.
"Screen" Screen. Screen", and then fuss at others when they post an alert and ALL anyone does is ask, "Well, did you screen"? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I Agree, seems kind of pointless if they did NOT ask for ID

Ya'll are willing to BEND the rules, take on a little more RISK, to get more business? I think I get it Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I have had a few hobbyists tell me that they are not willing to show the ID's that P411 requires. Many said that they never had to show ID's. My reply is: I am not the one you need to be telling this too. If providers don't require you to show ID's, thats on her. If she wants to BEND the rules and take on more RISK, thats her choice. And if something goes wrong, i am sure she will post ANOTHER alert because she didn't screen properly. and that is if she is able to post an alert. All we can do is put the information out there as a tool for providers to use, what they do with it is their choice.

See ya'll in the alerts section or better yet,
I am going to STOP reading alerts if they are made up of this kind of screening.

Do you let the men know they need to bring in their ID? Originally Posted by Bloodhound
I do. When they call for the address I tell them to please bring it. Sometimes I forget to tell them in advance and I ask them for it when they get there. Some men don't' bring their wallet into an incall for very good reasons. But I verify my clients first so I can feel safe.

I also tell them they should cover everything except what I need to see. I don't need to see the address, just the number and their handsome face on the I.D. If I'm in doubt as to the legitimacy of the I.D. I tell them and whip out my trusty ... method for verifying I.D.'s.

I think maybe 2 clients in several years, have refused to show me their I.D.. O.K., doesn't bother me. I told them I can't comfortably continue with the appointment. They left. I notified Gina and went on with my day.

If a client wants to see me then trust has to go both ways. I verify who he his and he has already verified that I'm who I say I am. It's only fair. I don't really attract difficult clients (knocking on wood...NOW). I usually give them tips on how to hobby more safely too.