Dick pics: Really?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
So, I brought up the subjects of selfies-in-the-act and Snapchat here


in a thread that didn't draw much response.

Not long after the OP, I saw this story, about a coach who was sending a Snapchat of him masturbating to his girlfriend, and instead sent it to everyone on his friends list, including several of the high school girls he coached. He deleted it to late, and is now facing felony charges.


That brought to mind something I've wondered about from time to time. It's a question that sort of works both ways: Do guys really think that girls like dick pics? Do girls like to get them?

I mean, even with any of the women I've ever been intimate with, I can't imagine that she would like to receive such an image, nor can I imagine sending one to her and thinking she would get a kick out of it. Well, okay, maybe in the context of a conversation that takes a slightly naughty turn ... but certainly not unsolicited.

Thoughts on when, if ever, it's appropriate to send a dick pic, or when and why you might want to get one?
I have said this sooo many times! Guys, PLEASE DON'T SEND US PICS OF YOUR JUNK!!
Unless requested, we DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT want to see it!
While highly, functionable, it is not an attractive part of your body!
It is quite disturbing to open up a message an unexpectedly seeing a penis!
that is all....
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Funny stuff.
I like close up animated gifs of cum shots. If you can make one of those then hell yeah, bring 'em on!
If I want one, I will ask for it and have! otherwise keep it to yourself.....that is all.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Me and some of my buds use to play a little game when we would get a little drunk where if someone left their cell phone unattended, we would snatch it up and run to the bathroom and take a picture of our nutsack and make it their wallpaper. A few of those and a guy learns to lock his phone.

A surprise set of plums on your phone is a big hit on poker night.

I'm sure the ladies love opening a message to a surprise weenie just as much.
No and I have no idea why guys think I want an unsolicited pic of a dick. News flash: I don't. I don't want to look at it. I like what it does, but I don't like how it looks.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
if i was to send a dick pic women would get a laugh at the most maybe a little sad but i will never ever ever ever ever EVER! send a dick pic even if she wants it cause just NO! I do not need my 4 inches of disappointment shown to anyone, unless it is in person and a part of something we are doing.
I despise them. I'll never send a picture of my privates either.
Hate 'em.
dtx/tn's Avatar
[QUOTE=SexyStephTx;1056266987Wh ile highly, functionable, it is not an attractive part of your body!/QUOTE]

dtx/tn's Avatar
I like what it does, but I don't like how it looks. Originally Posted by Slim.
Send only if it has been explicitly requested. I think sending unsolicited dick pics is one of the quickest ways to alert folks that you're a sleazy creepster!
bored@home's Avatar
I know ONE, only one who does. I don't get it, can't really wrap my head (yep, intentional) around it but she will specifically ask for them out of the blue during regular conversation. The be honest after a few time of quick candid pics I decided to mix things up and added props and sharpied in expressions for laughs. She didn't find it as funny as I did but well worth the extra scrubbing. She is now very specific on what and how she wants the pics...she reciprocates so ehh.
Oh..well that explains why you gals close your eyes during a BJ, and mostly prefer K9. Seriously, I agree with the responses from the ladies. I don't send it unless requested, and I've never had a request. Hmm...what is that telling me?