More Evidence Emerges Confirming Covid Lab-Leak Theory, But Corporate Media Stay Silent

texassapper's Avatar
Given what we know now, a coronavirus pandemic that emerged out of Wuhan more than three years ago seems less like a coincidence.

Democrats and corporate media’s collective silence and the lack of curiosity about the virus’s origin are likely driven by two reasons. First, they cannot blame the origin of Covid on Trump because the NIH funding occurred under former President Obama. Any investigation of Covid’s origin will inevitably lead to the questionable conduct of Anthony Fauci, former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, and his allies at the NIH, from underwriting the WIV’s gain-of-function research to suppressing the lab-leak theory since the beginning of the pandemic.

Second, the Democrats and corporate media’ conduct during the pandemic has shown that they were only interested in taking advantage of a crisis to grab more power and expand their control over the country and the American people. Public health prevention is their last concern. Therefore, it is up to concerned citizens and independent media to keep searching for truth and demanding accountability.
ICU 812's Avatar
By the time the whole truth comes out in fifty years or so, the pandemic of 2020 will be viewed by historians to be as being as egregious as, or worse than, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments.
The more we are learning about Joe Biden’s financial involvement with the Chinese Communist, the more we can understand why his administration has done everything possible to block information on the COVID-19 origin.
txdot-guy's Avatar
There’s a lot of innuendo in that article but no actual evidence. It’s nothing more than clickbait. More investigation needs to happen before a conclusion can be made. Maybe that’s why there hasn’t been more media coverage.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Much of what we see obsessively posted on this site on this subject is innuendo and clickbait.

Of course it’s all Biden’s fault.

The term "Lab Leak" gives the impression of an accident or unintended consequence and it was nothing of the sort.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I could not care less as to the origin of the virus. It happened, we responded and virtually halted the spread of the virus, and we all feel relatively safe today.

As to the second paragraph, total BS.
ICU 812's Avatar
Time will tell.

What I do know: About everyone I know got the shots and got Covid too.

So much for all the talk about herd immunity.

Slightly off-topic, but relisted: Setting aside all political aspects pro and con please . . .with the huge influx of medically unscreened people from about everywhere, I fully expect to see a rise in things like Measels, w3hooping cough and other illnesses that we have traditionally vaccinated our children against. There will be isolated cases and larger outbreaks of exotic or tropical diseases as well.

Covid, in whatever variant they identify, will be only part of the public health burden going forward.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Time will tell.

What I do know: About everyone I know got the shots and got Covid too. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Is this another “Just wait” thread?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Time will tell.

What I do know: About everyone I know got the shots and got Covid too.

So much for all the talk about herd immunity.

Slightly off-topic, but relisted: Setting aside all political aspects pro and con please . . .with the huge influx of medically unscreened people from about everywhere, I fully expect to see a rise in things like Measels, w3hooping cough and other illnesses that we have traditionally vaccinated our children against. There will be isolated cases and larger outbreaks of exotic or tropical diseases as well.

Covid, in whatever variant they identify, will be only part of the public health burden going forward. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I have gotten 4 shots I believe, maybe 3, and have contracted Covid twice -- very mild cases, just a cough. There are many myths about Covid, one which you just alluded to.

The only FACT I care about is hospitalization and death rates from Covid related illnesses comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated people.

As for your comments on immigrants at our southern border -- very valid concern in my opinion.
eyecu2's Avatar
What I'm thankful regarding COVID, is that it's seemingly less lethal than it was prior. I recall it being above a 6-7% rate of death when it first popped out and know several ppl in healthcare, specifically Respiratory Therapist, and they said it was super-bad initially. It's since dropped to sub 1% The new treatments and understanding of protocols has made it a much easier to manage disease.

I would love to know how it really originated- but it will not change the fact that it is here.

I would say the biggest concern is the financial burden borne by the US and it's citizens by the disease and whether it was released accidently or on purpose; I doubt we'll know that any sooner than how many gunmen were involved on the grassy knoll with Kennedy. But if there was proof of knowledge, that would be a great way to tell CHINA to go fuck themselves if it was released on purpose by them; and we are going to cancel our debts to them in response. (Btw- I actually don't believe since they also had the brunt of a lot of the deaths also.- but that place is a politically different place than here.)

Sometimes it doesn't matter how you got into the situation, but what do you do after you're there.
I could not care less as to the origin of the virus. It happened, we responded and virtually halted the spread of the virus, and we all feel relatively safe today.

As to the second paragraph, total BS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hahaha, I never felt threatened, and I am not alone. So much for your blanket statement. There was nothing to ever fear if you understand the true nature of viral infections.
ICU 812's Avatar
Is this another “Just wait” thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We will not know what really wnty on during the pandemic, not for yewrs if ever . . .so I guess yeah, we will have to wait it out.

I class the "truth" about every facet of the pandemic along with what is publicly known about the assentations of JFK, RFK and MLK. And by that I mean that we do not know whatever "the truth" is and may never fully understand.

Anyone here remember the Nixon era Sente hearings of the Ervine committee? Plenty of folk there spoke into athe mik who we knew were not being truthful, but we didn't really know justwhat or how they were lying.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hahaha, I never felt threatened, and I am not alone. So much for your blanket statement. There was nothing to ever fear if you understand the true nature of viral infections. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Tell that to the relatives of the more than 1 million people who have died in the U.S. alone due to complications from Covid. I'm sure many who died felt the same as you, which is why they remained unvaccinated when all facts pointed to the shot greatly reducing the chance of hospitalization and/or death from the virus. Most of us who can read statistics understand the risk is greatly reduced today.
eyecu2's Avatar
Tell that to the relatives of the more than 1 million people who have died in the U.S. alone due to complications from Covid. I'm sure many who died felt the same as you, which is why they remained unvaccinated when all facts pointed to the shot greatly reducing the chance of hospitalization and/or death from the virus. Most of us who can read statistics understand the risk is greatly reduced today. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Anti Vaxxers are a silly group of selfish pricks. They literally don't understand the science and intent of a vaccine that minimizes the immune response to disease. Scared and stupid and just as likely to be from the flat earth society also.