It's been a long time...

Hello all! Question for the crew...

I used to be pretty deep in the club scene a number of years ago running with the Houston SC Gods like Cosher, Satin, etc, etc...but got out and only dabble now. Since moving to Dallas a few years back, I've intermittently hit BDD and a few others with varying success. Of course back in the day I was into club play, but since things are so different now, it doesn't afford much privacy/self expression so to speak, lol.

Not looking for tips on how (I know how to befriend the waitress, negotiate upfront, and all that jazz), but would like to know about likelyhood of setting up OTC here. I admit, I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, but I've found it to be extraordinarily challenging to find a few solid OTC ladies in the DFW.

Just looking for guidance on my tactics. Thanks in advance!
TomCollins's Avatar
From my experience, you need to find some regular dancers you like and develop a rapport with them and then see if they’re open to it.
I know some girls are down for it from the get go, but those always scared me a bit tbh.

you’re right, it is “extraordinarily challenging” especially if your standards are high.

Buying a vip membership to a club and becoming a known regular goes a long way for establishing credibility.
I understand your challenge. The D club landscape changed after the 80's and early 90's. It went 'corporate.' Still, try to find some of the smaller, lesser-known clubs and become a regular. I've always found it easier to build friendships in those.
From my experience, you need to find some regular dancers you like and develop a rapport with them and then see if they’re open to it.
I know some girls are down for it from the get go, but those always scared me a bit tbh.

you’re right, it is “extraordinarily challenging” especially if your standards are high.

Buying a vip membership to a club and becoming a known regular goes a long way for establishing credibility. Originally Posted by TomCollins
Thanks to both of you, but special emphasis on TC. I agree completely on the ones who "suggest" it first. I don't want it if its THAT easy, lol. It's just odd, because back in the day I had more OTC than you could shake a stipper pole at, but the girls here seem to be of a different breed. Don't understand why they don't understand that my $200 bottle, and $100 in drinks could go to them.

I'm just trying to understand the Dallas SC culture a little better I guess. The few I've spent time grooming have pretty much rejected the OTC model. I don't want to give up hope and accept it's barren here, but it was NEVER this tough in Houston.
I think working at the club is just easier and safer. Plus they may want to keep work at work. They don't have to worry about flakes, setting up appointments, getting dolled up, etc.
I think it’s tougher than it used to be… at least at reasonable rates. There are the traditional reasons a dancer may not want OTC, they now have OnlyFans, SnapPremium, and other platforms for income. A lot of these gals are also on SA and other SD sites so you’re competing with non-club guys for OTC action.
I think it’s tougher than it used to be… at least at reasonable rates. There are the traditional reasons a dancer may not want OTC, they now have OnlyFans, SnapPremium, and other platforms for income. A lot of these gals are also on SA and other SD sites so you’re competing with non-club guys for OTC action. Originally Posted by Silver Bullet
The world has definitely changed then SB. I never found SA or sites like it desirable. Too many flakes, and filters are the devil.
mtabsw's Avatar
When your efforts pay off for an OTC, it's still a crap shoot.

It may be a total disaster in terms of too much money for too little menu or like one I was able to see OTC with little effort, she was on time, and ready for anything I wanted to do. And only $300 for way more than an hour.

I don't do it enough to predict the odds of a gem vs a turd, but if your wallet is your #1, stick to P411.

Last month two in the club made the first move for OTC, but one wanted a grand and the other 800. I could Aprill AND one of her doubles partners for a grand...
TomCollins's Avatar
Otc that used to be available for $300 now takes $500.

I’ve found several that were willing, but at a $300 “take it or leave it offer”, they left it.

For $700-$1,000 your options expand dramatically. But for me, that’s too much. But, there are guys that pay that, so there is at least “some” market at that level.
gman44's Avatar
not an encounter, moved to coed