In today's speech to the UN Obama said:
"Five years have passed since many of us met in Copenhagen. And since then, our understanding of climate change has advanced — both in the deepening science that says this once-distant threat has moved “firmly into the present,” and into the sting of more frequent extreme weather events that show us exactly what these changes may mean for future generations....."

Actually, the last five years have revealed how little we know about the Earth’s climate. The UN’s own IPCC has had to back off on the more extreme predictions it made in the past, and the most current science is generally opposed to global warming alarmism. Obama’s claim that there are “more frequent extreme weather events” is simply false. Whether you talk about hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, floods, or anything else, extreme weather events have not become more common. If anything, we are living in a period of relatively few such events. For example, the United States has never gone this long, in its recorded history, without a major hurricane making landfall.

And this whopper:

"No nation is immune. In America, the past decade has been our hottest on record."
Untrue. Unless you “revise” the temperature records, the 1930s were hotter. And, in any event, weather records for most of the U.S. don’t go back before the 18th century, so they start during the Little Ice Age. Thankfully, it’s warmer now.

In our west, wildfire season now stretches most of the year

Wildfires are down in the US.

Why does Obama feel compelled to lie so often? Even when the lies are so obvious?

For more got to:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He is a socialist/progressive, that's all they have.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Maybe they should buy that reflective insulation and get it made by a Koch Brother's factory, then cover the entire North Pole. Then, the heat would get reflected back to space, the ice wouldn't melt as much, temperatures would fall, and a conservative business could profit off of it. Win-win!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess the rest of the world is wrong, too.

Fucking liberal rest of the world!!!!!
What "rest of the world" is that?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What "rest of the world" is that? Originally Posted by gnadfly
THIS rest of the world.


And THIS rest of the world. Note that in spite of awareness and acceptance in this county, douchebag deniers continue to shit on their grandchildren's right to life.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Assup, if you are truly concerned about global warming, STFU! You spew more needless hot air than Mt. St. Helens!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ah yes science.
It is a shame that some so called "scientists" have falsified data to perpetuate their grants and create a hoax on the rest of the world doing the bidding of the libtards so that they can gain more control over the people.
Man-made climate change is a hoax.
SEE3772's Avatar