How to screen?

JennaEEE's Avatar
I am realizing how incredibly lucky I've been that the hobbyists I've seen have been safe and, well, pretty wonderful. I know that my screening has not been adequate as one of my hobbyists kindly pointed out. My question? How does one adequately screen to ensure that a hobbyist is not LE? What information should I ask for? Thank you so much for the help!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-21-2011, 12:37 PM
You may want to send PM's to the experienced ladies in this area that have been doing this thing for a while now. They would be your best source.
Heather Anderson's Avatar
I will give you my advice but then again it's just my way....I will PM you but you should also post this in the ladies room and see what other responses you get from different providers....everyone has their own method.