
For the providers that do not allow fingers in their vaginas, why? I can understand not wanting a finger in your ass, limiting the amount of fingers in your vagina, but why 0? You will put a penis in there, but no fingers. I am confused, I feel like I am missing something obvious.
pyramider's Avatar
Yes, you are confused and missing something. How about looking at your fingers and compare them to your pee pee.
albundy's Avatar
I NEVER do that with hookers. In my line of work, I deal with sharp tools and sharp metal daily. I get nicks and little cuts and don't even notice them most of the time. It could be a tiny one that I don't see. Not sticking what amounts to an open cut in to her pussy.
Yes, you are confused and missing something. How about looking at your fingers and compare them to your pee pee. Originally Posted by pyramider
This doesn't make sense either. Sure, she may prefer dick over fingers, but why not allow fingers? And some guys have large hands and a small pee pee
James1588's Avatar
Not being a provider, I of course can't say with any certainty why a lady might not welcome your digit(s) in the Holy of Holies. But I can make a guess. Looking at my fingers, I see that each one is equipped with a fingernail. I keep mine very short and filed nice and smooth, and on those blessed evenings when I know I have an appointment the next day, you can be sure that those nails get a fresh trim and some very careful filing, so that they're quite smooth and without corners. I'm guessing that some guys don't get around to doing that, and I'm further guessing that an untrimmed, unfiled nail can do some actual damage, once past a woman's vulva. (Actually, a nail like that could do some damage pretty much any-damn-place, I would think.) My penis, by contrast, is entirely free of nails. Yeah, that would be weird!

Also, in the course of my everyday life, my hands are put to uses that can cause the fingers to have dry, rough skin, and possibly scratches and even undetected cuts, as a previous reply also said. That's another advantage for my dick -- when I'm doing an oil change, or cutting firewood, my dick's never really involved, and so it stays free of these minor traumas. Again, I pay some attention to the condition of the skin on my hands, in terms of cleanliness and the use of a moisturizer, and they receive extra attention of that sort when I have an upcoming appointment. But I think that if I were a female lady-type, and a provider, I'd probably just as soon that the typical guy keep his damn fingers away from the pussy.

So that may explain it.
For the providers that do not allow fingers in their vaginas, why? I can understand not wanting a finger in your ass, limiting the amount of fingers in your vagina, but why 0? You will put a penis in there, but no fingers. I am confused, I feel like I am missing something obvious. Originally Posted by Vitamin
nails scratch you inside
+1000 on albundy, James, and DM

I used to really like fingers, and theoretically I still do, but I noticed I was getting more irritated after dates which involved fingers. I've gotten a UTI or two as well as a pH imbalance a few times (which took me out of commission), and I decided that the bacteria and chaffing from dry calloused hands were too much for my body to try to balance out. I still allow a little shallow finger play from time to time though depending on the hands. Also, I recently got a Mirena IUD for birth control. The string is longer than the last IUD I had (I had it checked and the Dr said the length is correct), so I feel paranoid that it will get tugged on with a probing finger or nail. A fresh condom is sterile and I feel more confident that there will be less introduction of harmful bacteria to my insides. I have had a few guys who really like to use digits but they also have very calloused hands from their work, so they actually insist on using gloves so they don't have to miss out on one of their favorite activities. I really appreciate their consideration. Since making these changes, I have not experienced any issues with my feminine health.
James1588's Avatar
... I used to really like fingers, and theoretically I still do ... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Yes, and I think those overused letters "YMMV" do explain lots of things in this world. With the lady I see most often, when I'm down south performing some oral, she sometimes requests the introduction of a finger, or two. And when that happens, of course I'm happy to do so. But by the time that might happen, she's had plenty of opportunity to assess the state of my hand cleanliness and manicure, so she'd know by then whether she wants any of that or not. However, in the absence of an explicit invitation -- even with her -- I keep my fingers well outside. Seems only polite.
I really don't know whats going on down there in all honesty

make an appearance

my fingers though,,,,,,,,idk about that
try and convey confidence without coming off half hearted
they'll let you know when their done
pyramider's Avatar
This doesn't make sense either. Sure, she may prefer dick over fingers, but why not allow fingers? And some guys have large hands and a small pee pee Originally Posted by Vitamin
Sweet baby tebow ... Look at your fingers. I am pretty sure each is equipped with ridges that create your finger print. Now if you look really close I bet there is all kind of things accumulating in those little ridges during the course of the day.

Now look at your fingernails. How many are cracked, uneven? How many hangnails do you have? The little burs on your fingernails and hangnails can scratch up a woman's vagina.

Now the fact that most fucktards are pretty stupid and unskilled at finger fucking is a third reason that some ladies do not allow fingers in their vaginas.
... And some guys have large hands and a small pee pee Originally Posted by Vitamin
Say it ain't so, Marco.