What is wrong with the thread I just started? Why did it get closed immediately after posting? This makes no damn sense.
I saw nothing wrong with it Gemma. I feel the same way

Alot of crazy shit going down around here. Hopefully St.C or Adeptus or one of the local mods will shed light on it.

Almost feels like a vendetta and personal grudge for some reason.

Hang tough, your posts are always insightful and your a very sweet and caring provider
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 11-06-2013, 01:22 PM
Grizzy..you don't know whats going on behind the screen. I sincerely suggest you to stay out of this please. I know you like her a lot...lets just keep it that way and I'm very happy that you had a wonderful time.

Gemma can we pls stop posting the same thing again and again pls. Take a moment and read the thread that you have opened couple of weeks ago. http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=868171
Actually modda, plenty of people have said the same thing grizzly says in the pms I've received. And what does my points thread have anything to do with why you guys close threads, reopen threads, award points to anybody who comments on it and then reclose it again? It was merely a question. So, why is that? And grizzly does know what is going on as crypt gave him a warning for commenting on a REOPENED thread. So why does he have to shut up?? How about you shut up? And Blaze shut her fatass up and crypt shut his wana be pope ass up. Who are you to tell anybody to stay out of something when its on a public board?? Go ahead and ban me. I'm sure LE is already on to you guys already. Most people already knew that though. So grizz, honey you don't have to shut up, modda ain't your daddy... and for your information mod, he knows more about this than you do. Go be a daddy to your kids, quit trying to be ours. You aren't above anybody. You pay for pussy too.

Y'all know how to get a hold of me. Peace out fellow hobbyists!
Thank you for the kind words, you will be missed.

Modda you have no idea what I do or do not know. Also no where in my posts did I say I have seen Gemma. Since you asked nicely this will be my last post on this topic.
But you will never silence me, I was agreeing to Gemmas post since i received an infraction on one of the posts that was closed than reopened and strangely closed after I commented.

My 2 pennies worth of opinion. Peace out

Actually modda, plenty of people have said the same thing grizzly says in the pms I've received. And what does my points thread have anything to do with why you guys close threads, reopen threads, award points to anybody who comments on it and then reclose it again? It was merely a question. So, why is that? And grizzly does know what is going on as crypt gave him a warning for commenting on a REOPENED thread. So why does he have to shut up?? How about you shut up? And Blaze shut her fatass up and crypt shut his wana be pope ass up. Who are you to tell anybody to stay out of something when its on a public board?? Go ahead and ban me. I'm sure LE is already on to you guys already. Most people already knew that though. So grizz, honey you don't have to shut up, modda ain't your daddy... and for your information mod, he knows more about this than you do. Go be a daddy to your kids, quit trying to be ours. You aren't above anybody. You pay for pussy too.

Y'all know how to get a hold of me. Peace out fellow hobbyists! Originally Posted by Gemma34
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A few thoughts on customer service from a professional business guy with a heavy tech background. This is not about Gemma’s situation; this is simply a nice spot to place my comment which relates to overall local board customer service, which is mentioned earlier in this thread:

If a few handfuls of top line KC Metro/Kansas gals have bailed, are planning to bail, or have gone “inactive” from this board, and take their clients with them, and if an additional good handful of gals from the Republic on the north side of the Rio Grande change their touring routes to avoid perceived drama here (cause they prefer to have nice full schedules), is this not a direct reflection on how the local board handles “customer service”?
Granted the mods need a bit of authority to attempt to have folks play nice, but there’s something clearly “off” if numbers of folks go elsewhere. And it’s not as if there are no other boards to go to. Perhaps I'm mistaken thinking that this board’s upper management keeps a close eye on customer service (local mods). Frankly, that is an expected policy in any business. One specific thing that I will mention, based on more than two occurrences from the same mod (connected to gals other than Gemma), that I do not understand at all, is a mod posting humor in two threads, about two different gals, when clearly the threads are fairly serious and/or the gals are/were upset.
Last, folks / businesses that pay to place ads on websites clearly understand that web site customer service issues directly impact their perceived client/reader base. These folks base their ad placement decisions on activity/population counts, web site ad clicks, and the rest of that. When the counts go down, or if they receive objective reports that concern them, they simply go elsewhere as well. And these folks have a plethora of web sites to choose where to place their ads.
In closing; although I get paid for business consulting, this was a freebie. I will answer serious questions, if they are short. Interrogatory questions will be ignored.
Johnny4455's Avatar
If providers or hobbyists choose to leave this board is that because of "poor customer service" from the mods, or is it because of frightening and/ or threatening drama filled posts by providers or hobbyists? I've recd threatening and intimidating pms from providers, full of lies. I dont see good providers or hobbyists leaving because the mods closed a thread in coed, or because the mods gave a warning.

Maybe I am missing your point, but I dont see lack of customer service from mods as the reason why some avoid this board. In my view, there could be more banning of those that create drama with
lies and other threatening behaviour.
dirty dog's Avatar
If providers or hobbyists choose to leave this board is that because of "poor customer service" from the mods, or is it because of frightening and/ or threatening drama filled posts by providers or hobbyists? I've recd threatening and intimidating pms from providers, full of lies. I dont see good providers or hobbyists leaving because the mods closed a thread in coed, or because the mods gave a warning.

Maybe I am missing your point, but I dont see lack of customer service from mods as the reason why some avoid this board. In my view, there could be more banning of those that create drama with
lies and other threatening behaviour. Originally Posted by Johnny4455
Hey Johnny good to see you back, I don't have a problem with mods, I have a problem with mods who have agenda's involving favoritism. I also have problems with mods from Texas who have no business here stepping in and flexing when we have local mods who are doing a fine job.
Also, if you have ever turned down a mod for an appointment or pissed them off before they became a mod, or while they were a mod, expect to be a target for them for the duration of their time as a mod.

UNBANN Gemma..

I was making a good friend and now shes gone

maybe she just had a bad moment.. c`mon ... 2 day is a new day!!

Just let it die and start over a new day ... life is too short to be dwelling on some b.s
Johnny4455's Avatar
Hey Johnny good to see you back, I don't have a problem with mods, I have a problem with mods who have agenda's involving favoritism. I also have problems with mods from Texas who have no business here stepping in and flexing when we have local mods who are doing a fine job. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Hey dd, good to hear from you. I agree with your view of out of state mod... ck in particular. I dont think he treated me fairly. I agree with your view on local mods. Modda in particular, is the main reason I am here. Always been fair and helpful.

My point is that hobbyists and providers avoid eccie because they dont feel safe in a community where if you participate, you can become a target. One very good provider I know told me sge avoids eccie because she got threatening, stalking type pms. Another top flight tx provider removed her showcase from eccie for the same reason.

So customer service to providers and hobbyists on their drama filled coed posts aint the problem with eccie. Its more about what the hobbyists and providers post, and the threats and lies in pms thAt scare good people away.

I completely agree about local mods.. if modda and adeptus, not ck, were in charge of this biard, they would be able to improve the feeling of safety we need on a community board.

If someone lies about their identity, ban them for at least a year. If someone pms someone stalking, or threatening, or lying, ban them for at least a year.

If someone post lies about themselves. And theur status. Then returns a week later like nothing happened, ban them for at least a year.

So its not the "customer service" thats the problem, its what the providers and hobbyists are doing and the failure ti control that, in my opinion.

Like if you own a bar, and a drunken rowdy patron comes into the bar and makes other patrons feel unsafe... threatens. Lies. Is it poor customer service to ban him? Or is it good customer service to the good customers, to kick the guy out and ban him?
It is confusing when a moderator bans a user, because then a moderator also has to determine how long the ban will be in effect.

If points were distributed, then the user would have to wait until points drop off. Less on the shoulders of a mod.

How does a user become a moderator?

I haven't done any checking to see what they have to do, or is it someone just says I want to be a mod and then the status change follows?
KenMonk's Avatar
Also, if you have ever turned down a mod for an appointment or pissed them off before they became a mod, or while they were a mod, expect to be a target for them for the duration of their time as a mod.
*hides* Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
I've been turned down because I am a mod, not a big deal really. I get it and move on. Can't force a gal to see me if she doesn't want to see me so why waste my time, or her time, and possibly my reputation (I hope its good but who knows). I have also gotten into arguments with ladies I have seen as a mod and I left it alone. I didn't pick on them or attempt to flex any sort of perceived or actual power (I use the term power loosely).

I can't speak for other mods but I disagree with that sort of generalization. Any ladies I have argued with feel free to comment on my post. At the end of the day I'm just a guy trying to get some pussy and not completely ruin a lady's day by having sex with my ugly, small penis havin, fat ass.
I've been turned down because I am a mod, not a big deal really. I get it and move on. Originally Posted by KenMonk
Cmon buddy....your a chat mod.....its like the minor leagues right?
ksmarine1980's Avatar

Y'all know how to get a hold of me. Peace out fellow hobbyists! Originally Posted by Gemma34
I'll miss you, as I was secretly developing quite a crush.