A lot of people have said fosta/sesta is the wrong approach. Logic goes legalizing the hobby so it could be regulated and brought out of the shadows would make it easier to identify trafficking situations. And of course there is the simple what two adults do in private should be nobody's business whether money changes hands or not. Tend to agree.
But that is not what I am curious about. If you were on a panel helping to write the laws that would define this legalization or decriminilazation what would you propose.
Would your vision be like the brothels in Nevada?
Prostitution is only legal inside brothels. Get caught propositioning a lady outside them in say Las Vegas and you will find that is not legal.
Where would those brothels be located?
What regulations if any would you impose?
Would you require providers get some kind of license?
What about medical exams?
Would there be some type of formalized training to help them avoid diseases and be generally safe in all ways?
Any limitations on where the brothels could be located?
For example a liquor store cannot be a certain number of feet from a school, etc.
And next how would it change the hobby?
Would there be an influx of providers that might drive down prices?
Would it lead to more hobbyists once fear of legal troubles was gone which would drive up prices?
Or do you think that everyone who would be a hobbyist already is?
How long would it take for the stigma to leave?
Just food for thought and hopefully intelligent discussion, maybe a change of pace from the normal drama.
Also, if this hobby is ever to be legalized many of these questions will need to be addressed within the legislation so having the discussions might be a needed forerunner of that movement.