Need help with receiving anonymous REmails

So, I have a special friend and she does not have any of my real contact information. I need her to be able to contact me at anytime without me monitoring Gmail or any special channel.

Ideally, she could send an email to my secret GMail account and i would set GMail to forward through an anonymous REmailer. The anonymous remailer would need to encrypt the message before forwarding because I can not expect her to encrypt. Then, the anonymous AND encrypted message would leave the remailer and be sent to my real email address. I could decrypt to read or pretend that it is spam for plausible deniability. This would allow me to immediately receive her emails anywhere in the world without having to check Gmail. I do not need to be able to reply to the email. So, cyberpunk would be acceptable.

I would truly appreciate any suggestions or assistance in finding such a service or method. Free is always best in that there is no money trail.

Basically: I need to get her messages without her having to anonymize and encrypt.

Thanks for any help!!!

I'm not sure there is anything available like that. If you had access to a mail server it would be fairly trivial to write a script to do just that. Beyond that, it gets a bit tricky.

This link has some info that might help, although it does require an app installed.

If she has thunderbird as an email client there are plugins that will automagically encrypt things
Or if she has a Mac
Setup an alternate gmail account that autoforwards to your real gmail account and you are done. However it will probably keep the original header.

Another solution might be to set up a message board online that only you two have access to that sends notifications when you get a message. I'd look at Proboards Set it up with an innocuous name like "Mechwarrior 3 fanboard" or something along those lines. Then when she posts you a message on there, it will send you an email saying you have received a message. You then login to the board and check the message there. To most people it looks like someone responded to a posting.

Or, you could get a free webhost and set up a web form that she can use that will automatically encrypt the message and send it to you. (Just need 1 field for the message, make a script that encrypts it however you like and sends it to your inbox.)