faker alert

Guest062813-1's Avatar


Same number on both ads but different pics claiming to be the same girls.

I think the pics in the second ad are real and the ginger looks a lot like one of our long lost providers.

Lucy you got some splaining to do! (:


So...why are you cruising Backpage?

Dishonest but sexy reply preferred, thanks.
Guest062813-1's Avatar
I don't know what you mean by that comment on my thread I was trying to get out information about a potentialy serious problem because i know in the past a change like that could mean a sting. I would rather give an honest answer. So, to truthfuly answer your question, I like looking at sexy women and that's it. And it just so happened I noticed the change and felt obligated to say something about it in case there was a threat to be wary of. Have a fun filled and safe day. (:
Not sure I like the idea of me, or anyone else, having to explain why they were on ANY site!
It's nacho business!
Guest062813-1's Avatar
Thank you Staci! Some people are so rude!
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Ladies, I don't think he wasn't being rude. I'm guessing he was looking for some type of sexual fantasy type answer there. Something like (Miss Cherry->) "I'm looking for some friends to come make an Amaranth sandwich!". :-)

He seems to have a pretty good sense of humor.
bp6570's Avatar
Not sure I like the idea of me, or anyone else, having to explain why they were on ANY site!
It's nacho business! Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
+1 Stacy!
bbwlover's Avatar
I think Smutmonkey is right. Everybody just calm down. We need to do something(?) to relieve all this tension. Miss Cherry, I can help turn that frown upside down?
Ladies, I don't think he wasn't being rude. I'm guessing he was looking for some type of sexual fantasy type answer there. Something like (Miss Cherry->) "I'm looking for some friends to come make an Amaranth sandwich!". :-)

He seems to have a pretty good sense of humor. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
While I stand by what I said about not having to answer to anyone, in this case, I concur with you. I think I mis read it the first time lol