Job Creation Last Six Months

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Obama, in spite of a trillion dollars per year of QE2 stimulus, and government deficits close behind that, has managed to only create an average of 160,000 new jobs per month over the last 6 months. Fuck, I think Governor Perry and the Texas oil industry have created half of those!
More people than that have dropped out of the labor force, giving us the lowest labor force participation since 1978.
I was a total dumbshit for voting for him. I apologize to every American, but I just thought that Mitt Romney was a total dipshit. At this point, though, how much worse could he have been than Obama?
When Obama loses Krugman you know the wheels are coming off I have been saying; sadly, the Obama years will be America's Lost Decade !
Paul Krugman now says that the five years of the Obama administration have been “years of tragic waste,” and that the nation’s economic policies during that time have been “an astonishing, horrifying failure.”
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"Employers added 169,000 jobs in August but many fewer in June and July than previously thought, the Labor Department said Friday. Combined, June, July and August amounted to the weakest three-month stretch of job growth in a year.

"The unemployment rate dropped to 7.3 percent, the lowest in nearly five years. But it fell because more Americans stopped looking for work and were no longer counted as unemployed. The proportion of Americans working or looking for work reached its lowest point in 35 years.

"All told, the report adds up to a mixed picture of the U.S. job market: Hiring is steady but subpar. Much of the hiring is in lower-paying occupations. And many people are giving up on the job market in frustration."

MSN .. ............ NOT FOX!
Job Creation Last Six Months. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Why do you care? You are currently planning to defect from "The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave," AKA The Good ol' US of A?

When does your slow boat to the Middle East leave anyway?
The economy is working just the way Obama planned; destroy the American middle class with chronic un- and under employment, shortened work weeks, more government regulation, more debt, lower standard of living, and at the same time, put more Americans on the government dole. Make them dependent on the government.

Obama's "Mission Accomplished" ...........Sadly !
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Why do you care? You are currently planning to defect from "The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave," AKA The Good ol' US of A?

When does your slow boat to the Middle East leave anyway? Originally Posted by bigtex
To make the academic point that liberalism is a failure.
The economy is working just the way the multi-national corporate masters planned; destroy the American middle class with chronic un- and under employment, shortened work weeks, more government regulation, more debt, lower standard of living, and at the same time, put more Americans on the government dole. Make them dependent on the government.
To make the academic point that liberalism is a failure. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
How can you make a valid "academic point" without the necessary credentials?
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How can you make a valid "academic point" without the necessary credentials? Originally Posted by bigtex
Sez the idiot from Cougar High
Is the slow boat like the short bus?