This was painful to watch, cops beat and tazer man repeatedly

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
According to other articles, the man was mentally ill, and drunk and was running around starting fights with random people. The cops were called, and the video shows what followed after. The man ended up with broken legs from the batons beating his tibia (shin bone) and had his teeth knocked out. Witnesses said he was screaming in immense pain asking for them to stop and they continue tazering him repeatedly and hitting him. He couldn't roll over because of the extreme pain in his legs apparently.

I cringed just watch the baton beating on his shins you can hear the loud crack of the baton everytime they hit him.

This is in Long Beach California.

Youtube Video of beating
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Long Beach PD seem to have a big problem. It appears from the video that he was under control, and the beating continued. This was actually painful to watch.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Long Beach PD seem to have a big problem. It appears from the video that he was under control, and the beating continued. This was actually painful to watch. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Looks like it has hit the media like ABC now

Yea it seems California in general has a lot of issues with cops using excessive force. There have been a crap ton of lawsuits against the police in that state.

It would be interesting to get some real numbers or statistics on lawsuits and settlements for the entire US, and what the total cost to taxpayers has been over a period of years. I found one site with some numbers the CATO Institute, and here is another site about what NYPD paid out in lawsuits

It's amazing these departments don't go broke in some cases. Maybe it explains the corrupt process of "ticket quotas"? Seems in some cases the number of tickets written, can lead to an officer getting a pay raise. See Traffic Ticket Quotas under investigation across the country
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I don't jump on the police brutality bandwagon, but these cops surely went overboard. That one smack on the shin made me wince. Unlike your previous video of the drunk outside the bar it appears that this guy was under control. I do have to wonder just what this guy did to have so many cop cars around. This didn't seem to be a normal response to somebody who just punched someone.
That was sadistic...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The bald headed pig doing the beating should be charged.
The remaining pigs should also be charged for not stopping the bald headed pig.

We had four police officers that got charged in Houston for much much much less than this.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-08-2013, 03:23 PM
Without the video, you know who would be defending the shit out of them in gact I'm surprised he isn't doing so now.
JCM800's Avatar
some cops still think they can "Rodney King" a person and hope no one is recording it.